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My nose twitched.

Even despite Torygg not attaining the High Kingship, the opulence and wealth of the Solitude remained the same. It didn't matter to Solitude's wealth if its Jarl possessed a crown or not. His was still a Hold that acted as Skyrim's principal port into the rest of Tamriel. Redguard perfumes and rugs and oils, Breton wines, cheeses, porcelain, and so much more passed through it and was spread over the rest of Skyrim.

"Yours is a truly rich and prosperous Hold, Jarl Torygg." I commented, eyeing the market stalls and shops of lower Solitude. What was shown in shops was an indication to to living standards of the people there and indeed, the average Solitude Nord had much more money to spend compared to say, a Hjaalmarch Nord.

''Solitude sits as Skyrim's gateway to the world," Torygg stated, smiling and waving to the crowds that flanked the roads. I nodded at that, noting that Torygg was beloved by his people. The way Solitude mourned for him in the game was an indication as such.

"It isn't Skyrim's only gateway," Ulfric took the moment to butt in, reminding Torygg and I that Windhelm too was a port city except that it did not sit on the coast like Solitude was. It was a city nestled a bit deeper inside Skyrim, relying on the White River as its main waterway. It was a bit harder to reach into thanks to the ice that tended to form up on the east coast of Skyrim. While Solitude could count on its Imperial connections, Windhelm had tradition and history propping it up being the Capitol of Skyrim for as long as it existed until Skyrim got snagged up by the empires of old.

''Of course, not to disparage Windhelm itself, Lord Ulfric. All our cities, from west to east, can count on long and storied histories," Torygg said diplomatically. Ulfric said nothing, intent on riding in surly silence.

The Jarls were now leaving Solitude, intent to return home. It was decided that everyone would leave at the same time before making their separate ways. It was, to the public view, a show of unity that the High King and his Jarls acted as one. At this time, Skyrim needed stability and to show to the wider world that just because the Nords lost the right to worship their favored Divine didn't mean that we had lost our pride.

Solitude's streets was a controlled riot of color, the banners of the different Holds fluttering in the breeze, guardsmen and housecarls clad in their Hold armor, the High King and Jarls resplendent in their personal armors. It was like a scene straight from the Nordic Empires of old and the crowds were lapping it up.

If one looked a bit closely though, they could see that there was visible unity but there was a clear hierarchy. Riding closest to me was the Jarl of Whiterun, Solitude, and the Jarling of Windhelm. Then, the Jarl of Markarth and Falkreath, with the Jarls of Dawnstar, Riften, Winterhold trailing in the back.

Currently, Torygg was just riding with us to send me off at the road and get a little bit of prestige points from being seen with me. I also wanted him to come along since I wanted to assign him something.

"My Jarls, while we are here, do you remember that I have made offices with appointments yet to be filled?" I spoke up. Ulfric and Torygg nodded. I turned forward, my eyes set on the road and the gate. "Jarl Torygg, I would like to ask you if you would be interested in heading the SDRO."

Torygg's eyes widened in surprise. He glanced at Ulfric and my father. The former looking proud and the latter looking indifferent. Coughing on his saddle, he gripped his reigns. "I'm honored, High King, but why me?"

I smiled. I had to make it look like he was my first choice. "Because you are young, popular with your people and possess a good heart. I can see no other man more fit for that duty."

What was left unsaid that he was the least smelly of the other turds. Such a thing wouldn't be proper for Jarl Skald, a notorious jackass. Neither was Jarl Leila fit for such a thing since would have to handle a shit ton of money and she lead the most corrupt Hold in all of Skyrim. Jarl Dengeir wasn't fit for it either as he was old and getting on his years and I didn't really think the old man would have the patience to sit through the tedium. Jarl Korir was eager but he was in far Winterhold. And Ulfric? I already had another position in mind for him.

Judging from the glinting in his eyes, I think Torygg got what I was trying to say. Nevertheless, he brightened up.

"I...I accept the position, High King." Torygg said, after a moments silence. I beamed at him. To be frank, I looked rather weird what with the Jagged Crown on my head. The dragonbone crown was fit for a warlord.

"There are other positions that I have yet to fill but I will make it known was I get my administration organized," I said, turning to Ulfric. "My Lord, there is also the Veteran's Fund. It needs someone, preferably a soldier who understands the sacrifices needed on the battlefield, to chair it. I would like you to take it up."

Ulfric was a natural choice to me for that position. It needed someone that former legionnaires could relate with, someone that knew what it was like to live a soldier's life. Considering Ulfric held himself up to be close to the Nordic Legions, he was natural for that. Again, Skald was an asshole and I assigned him to get rid of the pirate problem that was bothering the East Empire Trading Company. Korir was no soldier and having Leila hold a shit ton of money was a risk as her city was corrupt as fuck. Igmund, I was thinking of putting in charge of finances and Dengeir...I would have to think of what to put him in. As for Igrod, I would have to think of something for her too.

Soon, our parties passed through the gates of Solitude. Skald, Korir, Leila and Ulfric turned left, down to the Solitude Docks. The party kept on getting smaller and smaller, Igmund heading off into Dragonsbridge to cross into his Hold. Torygg stayed with the party until we were at the very edge of Haafingar. "This is the end of the road, my King." Torygg said, his eyes scanning the small bridge that led back into Whiterun proper. 

''Quite," I told him. "Take care on your return to Solitude, Jarl Torygg." I then offered my hand for Torygg to clasp. He held onto it without hesitation. We shared a nod then let go, our roads taking us back to where we had to go. 

I finally had the crown. Now, it was time to see if I was worthy of it.



The sight of their longships striding the coast of Skyrim would have made a fearsome sight. With longships meant Nords. And with Nords, that meant battle. But with how recent events had been going, Ulfric felt that being a Nord lost its mark of respect. 

There was of course, the White Gold Concordant. Despite the Battle of the Red Ring being won by the Nordic Legions under General Jonna, the Emperor decided to capitulate to the elves as easily as a Khaljit would try and resist Moon Sugar. Then the humiliating and sacrilegious ban on the worship of Talos. 

''You look like you are ready to smash a rock open," remarked Galmar, his steps echoing heavy on the wood of their ship. Ulfric shook his head, grasping onto the prow of his ship, the frigid air of the Sea of Ghosts and the spray of the sea falling onto his face. Some might freeze at it but to a Nord like him, it was a certain comfort only his race could feel. 

"That is because of said rock existed in front of me, I would be smashing it to bits," replied Ulfric, the sails of his longship flapping. Their ship lurched forward as the force of the wind made the longship stride on the sea ever faster. "I am angry, Galmar. The Dominion, the damned bloody Thalmor, in Skyrim!" 

At that, Galmar darkened. "Aye, I understand your anger, my lord. First the elves take away our God and now they desecrate Skyrim with their legs. What in Oblivion was the Elfsbane thinking?" 

True enough, if he told the High Elves to metaphorically take it up their assess then the Elves would make noises on the barbarism of the Nords though he doubted anyone would care for the opinions of the High Elves. This, he told to Galmar. 

''He is thinking on what this would look for Skyrim, or as he had said." Ulfric muttered, rubbing his head. "If he refused the High Elves, they would no doubt take offense and I can imagine them accusing the High King of harboring Talos worship or some other outrage. After all, why refuse their embassy? It is only a simple embassy and why would the High King fear it?" 

"And who in their right mind would listen to the rambling of the High Elves?" Galmar asked, sitting down on a nearby chest. '

"They could force the Emperor to launch an investigation into Skyrim, or some such thing. The question is, why?" 

Galmar scoffed. "Is there any other reason? The Elves want to dominate mankind." 

"That is true, even a child can see that." Ulfric agreed with a nod. "But why would the elves deliberately start justifying an outrage? I think...I thinkg the elves want something from the Empire." 

It made sense now that he had time to dwell on the High Elves blatant attempts at inviting a diplomatic incident. They would use the threat of that incident in an attempt to force the Empire into offering them something. A simple blackmailing act of "Oh, you don't want X to happen? Then offer us Y". And so, Ulfric began to think. 

The war was on paper, over. The Legions were busy repairing or restoring order in Cyrodiil. Skyrim was trying to rebuild itself, High Rock...he had no idea what was going on in High Rock. Morrowind was in ashes, both from the Red Mountain and the Argonians invading the place. That left three other provinces: Elswyer and Valenwood but both were provinces of the Dominion now. 

Ulfric then blinked, remembering the High King asking for men to supposedly assist the Legions in combating a daedric threat in Chorrol. And the fact that the city bordered Hammerfell was a mere coincidence. 

"I may have an idea," Ulfric suggested. 

"That being?"

"Do you remember the High King asking for men to head south once more to assist against a daedric threat vanishing Legionnaires?" He asked. Galmar nodded. He never left Ulfric's side and had been there to listen to the High King talk. 

''Perhaps that is why the High Elves are trying to start an incident?" Ulfric theorized. "It would take an utterly naive fool to believe that the Daedra are taking away legionnaires so easily. Chorrol borders Hammerfell and those vanishing legionnaires are simply men quietly marching across to join the Redguards in their fight."

Galmar looked thoughtful. "So the High Elves are threatening to start a scandal, using that threat to force the Empire to stop giving assistance to the Redguards in Hammerfell?" he surmised.

If Titus Mede was playing games with the Thalmor then perhaps the Mede Dynasty could still be salvaged, Ulfric thought begrudgingly. Inwardly, he shook his head. No, the shame of the Concordant would be too much for him. Giving away Hammerfell, the ban on the worship of Talos...those were far too great sins to be forgiven so easily, even in the context of politics. 

"That raises implications," Ulfric spoke up. "It implies that the silent support of the Empire is hurting the war effort of the Dominion. The Redguards are hurting the Dominion so badly that they are forced to resort to crude blackmail to get what they want." 

Galmar and Ulfric stared at each other. Silence passed for both men, the only sound being the kicking of the wind, the yells of sailors and the bubbling of the sea.

"We must not give the High Elves what they want," Ulfric declared, standing up. "If their emissaries are attacked and killed, they will use that to justify increasing their presence in Skyrim. They might perhaps send their damned Justiciars here to ''investigate'' the attacks, no doubt finding the faithful who have not given up on Talos.  That cannot be allowed to pass." 

Galmar tried to imagine that, Justiciars roaming the countryside trying to find the bandits, stumbling across hidden shrines of Talos and raising a fit. His hands tightened into fists. Ulfric imagined that as well. 

He did not like it one bit. 

In order to protect the faith and the dignity of his people, he had to swallow up the niceties, all the while trying to keep subtle and hurt the Elves that way. 

Ulfric realized now that it did sting a lot but without nosy Justiciars around, his people could at least worship Talos in peace. This would allow them to build their strength and in time, hurt the High Elves. 

Their land, their people...their blood.

"Galmar, when we return, I want you to find volunteers for the march to Chorrol." Ulfric instructed his housecarl. "I need to speak with my father about this...charade." 

''So we are slithering in the dark now, like a damned thief. I do not like this, Ulfric." Galmar spat, his disgust at the inaction clear. 

[spoiler=Recommended OST: Denmark War Theme]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dwOzOGwl-8&t=14s[/spoiler]

"We have the benefit of movement to prepare ourselves for the next war, if the High Elves do not have their Justiciars roaming the country. And our people will be free to worship Talos in the forests, in their homes, in the hidden places. It is infuriating that we have to do this, in the birthplace of Talos no less but..." He bit his lip. ''The High King is correct. We must wait until the opportunity presents itself. The Concordant is merely a bandage on a great scar. That scar will open again, not now but later perhaps. The only thing we can do is wait. In the meantime, we should prepare and soon..."

A dark look came into his eyes. The wounds in his body remembered the tortures he suffered at the hands of the Elves, how that damned High Elf humiliated him and forced him to surrender information that led to the fall of Imperial City. All those sins, would be repaid in full. And it would be repaid:

"With their land, their people...their blood." Ulfric muttered darkly. The sails of his ship flapped and in the mast, the snarling Bear of Windhelm fluttered against the wind. 


A/N: I can't wait to write the scenes where we make the Return look like a kid's birthday party.

And if ya'll don't mind, we will be doing a little timeskip to move things along. 



Time skip, easy mate just provide some scenes, it’s like a sloping stone until it sinks, it taps the water a few times to indicate distance. Also, Return? You mean big World Eater? Make him look like child’s play? Mate you must be looking for the dragon born to restart the empire.