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Hey, hey! How's it going, friends? Hope everyone had a great holiday (or a great Monday, if you don't celebrate!) As most of you are likely aware, the new update is out, as well as a free teaser which contains roughly 400 images. I fell short of getting everything into the update that I wanted, but I'm going to work on expanding the content a bit for the public release. Speaking of which, the release schedule will be as follows.

  • $5 - 1/1/24
  • $2 - 1/4/24
  • Public - 1/7/24

Big thanks to everyone who responded to my prompt for messages to include in the livestream section of the game. You folks rock! Sorry if I missed yours - I was in a bit of a time crunch while I was doing them. 

There's a decent-sized social media component for this chapter, which enabled me to reuse some renders from a previous Wanton Weekends post focusing on Brittani's Picogram account. But, since I was in a rush, I wasn't really able to make them look as good as I wanted to. I'm going to see if I can find a way to frame them for a 1920x1080 display size, without obscuring too much of the art, while still making them look like pseudo-Instagram images. We'll see how it goes.

My plan is to catch my breath for a couple days, before I move into working on some additional scenes for the public update. Between the holidays and the rigors of release day, ol' Neon's a bit tuckered out.

Finally, I'll reiterate that if you want to enjoy the full benefits of your membership, you should link your Patreon and Discord accounts, and join my channel. New game builds usually make it up there at least an hour before they show up on Patreon.

I'm still in cool-down mode after a rough couple weeks, so I'll keep it short and sweet this week, leaving you with some 'avatar' images for various new faces you'll meet in this update. As always, take care of yourselves, thank you for your support, and Happy Holidays!




You're welcome, and thanks for the inclusion. I hope that you were able to enjoy the holidays and make at least a little time for yourself to rest and relax. Take care of yourself as well and Happy Holidays once again.

Kyriakos Lundgren

Thanks for the Inclusion ,preview photos looks nice,the story so far is top,keep it ,make sure you rest and spend some time with family and friends..Happy new Year