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Hey, folks! I know that times are tough all over, and we don't always  have a lot of money to throw around. So, I wanted to give everyone the  opportunity to play the beginning of the newly-released chapter.

Download: PC and/or MAC

As always, if you have questions please reach out on the Discord channel!

Happy Holidays, to you and yours!

edit: Hey, folks! A fan made me aware of some missing images in one of Ashe's scenes, so I'm editing this post to give you a fix.

Quick explanation: I order the images in chunks by story section, and the opening scenes included in the teaser  were all A, B, C, and D -- so I just removed all the images from the  folder, post-D. But, when I'm finishing up a chapter I always do  'pick-up (PU)' images, which are either images I forgot to add, images I decided a scene needed late, or images for a scene I wrote after I'd already rendered the section they belong to. 

These missing images are for one such scene. So when I removed all the images after the 'D' folder from the teaser, I accidentally deleted those 'pick-up' images, too. My bad!

I'm attaching a compressed folder with the missing images inside. Just  extract them and toss them into the images folder in your copy of the  teaser, and you should be good to go.



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