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edit 4: Unlocked for the public!

edit 3: Unlocked for $2 patrons!

edit 2: I've upgraded Ch8 to v0.57 -- this adds a few scenes and 55 renders to the end of the previous 0.55 version. Barring any major bugs, this will be the final/public version of Chapter 8! Enjoy!

edit: Unlocked for $5 patrons!

Merry Christmas, folks! I wasn't able to get everything into the update  that I wanted to, but I'm going to keep working on it, and try to add a  little more before the public release.

If you have any questions,  concerns, bug reports, etc. please direct them to the Discord, as Patreon can be a bit unreliable about forwarding messages to me.

As always, take care of yourselves, thank you for your support -- and Happy Holidays!



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