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Happy Holidays, everyone! Hope the Season of Giving isn't stressing you and yours out too much. (No comment on my current mood.. :P )

First, a quick apology. I know I've fallen behind a bit, with blog posts going up later than usual, and the most recent Wanton Weekends feature MIA. I've been pouring all my time into getting the next update ready, and it's left me with limited time the more extraneous stuff. But, I think most people would rather I keep grinding on the game.

On that note, I've been basically chained to my computer for the last week, and the current build stands at 720 total renders. I've got a solid four days left to work, before I need to have the build ready. I'll keep at it, and get done whatever I possibly can, to give you folks the best update I can.

I will warn everyone, due to the way I structured this update, it might feel a little shorter than past ones, despite the render count. As you'll likely remember, last update gave you the ability to choose where you ended the chapter -- with Nicki, Ashe, Risa, or by yourself. So, each of those openings required their own batch of renders. And each of those openings had different variations. So, if you only play one path, you may only see 350 - 400 new images.

With the benefit of hindsight, this probably wasn't smart. But, I wanted to do something I don't often see in adult visual novels, and give players the opportunity to really shape the story, by choosing one path over another. My error was really in making it like.. Five possible openings, instead of two.

Anyways, why am I saying all this? Because I don't want anyone to slap down $15 on release day, only to feel ripped off. I genuinely appreciate the hell out of everyone who supports me, and I don't want anyone to walk away feeling bummed out. Especially on Christmas!

Finally, a quick appeal! The scene above will feature a few images where we see MC's two new 'friends' live-streaming, with their viewers' chat window visible. So, if you would like to have your name appear in the game, then comment below with the user name you want to appear, as well as a short comment!

The setup is basically that these two gamer YouTuber/Tik Tok types have caught MC out and about, and are trying to do a live Q&A with our favorite 'crypto genius' and 'beloved philanthropist.' So, tailor your comments to that, or just type some nonsense that one might spam into an Instagram live chat. :D

As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!




Username: average_conspiracy_joe Comment: 9/11 was an inside job orchestrated by an elite genetically advanced frog species operating out of Area 51 who can shapeshift. The government is full of them!


Sorry, new to this, just subb'd last night. Is there an update/more recent version that .4? I see screenshots not from that version so I'm confused?


Hi! The newest version is being released in four days! I post in-development shots, so people know what I'm working on. I'm doing something special for Christmas and releasing a teaser for the next chapter on Christmas Day, to everyone. Members who are at the $15 tier will receive instant access to the full build, with $5 patrons receiving access a week later, and $2 patrons receiving access a few days after that. And as always, I encourage everyone to also link their Patreon to their Discord accounts, in order to receive the full benefits of their membership.