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Hey, folks! Hope those of you in the States are enjoying the long holiday weekend!

Getting right into it, I cruised past 400 renders late last week, and continue to make pretty good progress. I'm somewhere around 440 at the moment.

At this point all of Ashe's dinner scenes are finished, and I'm working to finish her first possible ero scene. I'm not going to lie, this whole scene is ending up a little tricker than first anticipated. :'D But, it's fun, and it's moving inexorably towards completion.

When I get a little frustrated with what I'm working on, I've been bouncing over to the hot tub scene and doing some work there. Just trying to keep it moving! It's my hope/plan to have a Beta release ready around the 14th, but don't hold me to it just yet. As ever, things tend to grow outside my plans a bit, and life can get in the way. Still, I'm doing my best to keep everything tight and focused, and get the release out ASAP.

In addition to Ashe's stuff, I've been fixing some images I'd already rendered for Viola's scene (clipping, focus issues, etc.), as well as redoing an image from Chapter Three where Gabby sends you a photo of herself wearing a swimsuit you purchased for her, since I didn't really like the suit I chose back then. The new one can be seen in the little test image up above, along with a hairstyle I wanted to try out. Just a fun little aside.

So yup, that's where things stand for the moment. Just grinding away, trying to reach the finish line.

As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your generous support!


