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Hey, folks! How's everyone doing this week?

Development continues to roll right along, and I've got roughly 500 images in the can for the next update. I've been bouncing around from scene to scene, trying to keep up my momentum when I start to stall. So far, so good!

While mainly focused on the general work of coding and rendering, I've also been experimenting with some different stuff. I'll periodically get nice bits of advice from supporters, and two people hit me with some cool stuff recently. A gent named Master of Puppets sent me some valuable coding advice, and someone by the name of HongFire informed me I can just.. apply DForce to any object I want. Which is super helpful! Especially when fitting male clothes onto female characters, and trying to get the fabric to hang correctly. Total game-changer. So, thanks dudes! :D

Besides that, I also took an hour or so and whipped up a few designs I intend to use for some of Gabby's costumes in the future. She's an artsy girl, and I think her clothes need to have a certain flair that I can't get from out-of-the-box assets. You can see some examples above.

All in all I'm happy with the progress made, but I'm going to try to make a big push this week and finish out Ashe's scene. That'll leave me pretty dang close to the finish line.

I'm going to cut this post a little short today, but as always I just want to thank you folks for being here, and supporting the project.

Take care, and I'll see you back here next week!



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