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Hey friends, hope everyone had a great weekend!

I've been toiling away at the update today, and so far, so good! I'm a little ways into one of Brittani's three possible endings, and the current render count stands a little over 700. Gonna try to finish up two paths tonight, and then I'll just need to complete the end of one more path, and a small epilogue, and we'll be off to the races.

I'm really excited for this one! I'm not usually the type to toot my own horn, but these Brittani scenes are pretty hot. Lots of cool POV shots, and fun situations.

In addition to rendering, I continue to chip away at the second half of Chapter Four's script, and it's going pretty well.. Wish I had something more interesting to say about it! :D

Right now, I'm really just in that space where I see the light at the end of the tunnel. My plan is to have a version of Chapter Four: Part One to all $15+ patrons on Wednesday, so those fine folks can help me with testing it for bugs and such. This likely won't have all the images in place, but like.. 90% of them. I'll take a couple of days to bug-test and finish up the images, and then release Chapter Four: Part One on Saturday. The $2 patron release will follow five days later, and the public release two days after that.

While I'm trapped at my day job tomorrow I plan to experiment with adding an outline to text in Ren'py, as it's been one of the most-requested features. If I can get that working, I'll do away with the text box entirely, and have a nicer, cleaner GUI.

So yeah, that's where we stand! Release is imminent, and I'm doing my utmost to make sure you all have something cool to play this weekend. After that, it's straight into the second half of Chapter Four, which will likely be another 800+ image update.

Also.. a patron asked me about doing something for Christmas. I'll admit, I have a particular soft spot for the holidays, so I'd really like to do a little something. But, due to the timeline of FiN, a special set during winter wouldn't really fit. But, what if I brought back Riley and her dear Professor for a little holiday action? I think it'd be fun to see how their relationship has evolved, since we last saw them.

Alright, that's all for now! I'm going to get back to work, but I hope everyone's having an awesome week. As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!




Can't wait! (seriously, dying over here Dx) lol


Hah! I'm working on plugging images into the script as we speak! I *will* have a build up for the $15+ patrons tonight. May be a couple hours yet, though. I've got a few images I had to edit and partially re-render before inserting into the script. @_@


Hope everything going's alright, I'm eagerly awaiting the update!


Hey, man! Sorry to keep you in suspense. I worked through the day yesterday, and renders didn't finish running until close to 10 PM. I edited them until midnight, but had to get some sleep after that. I'm going to my day job today, so I moved all the relevant files to my laptop. As soon as I get some stuff out of the way this morning, I'm going to set all the images, double-check my variables, and get a Beta build finished and uploaded for everyone at the $5 tier.