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Hey hey, friends! It's time for another collection of images too spicy for the public posts. 

But, I've got something a little different, today. See, a lot of what I've been working on for the last week is Brittani's big scene for Chapter Four. So, she makes up a huge portion of the nude renders. But, I have kind of an informal policy of not showing any of the girls naked, before they actually appear naked in the game. Leaving me without much to show you, today.

So, I decided to dip back into my older files and find some interesting stuff to share with you. Folks who have been around for a bit might remember I created a poll months ago, to decide what mini-game I should work on next. To my delight, my idea for an orc training game won, and I quickly did some mock-ups for what that might look like. But, Friends in Need fell behind schedule a bit, and I had to put Orc Exchange on the back-burner. Gone, but not forgotten! I'll get back to it one day soon.

Another possible mini-game was I Love Lacy, where you play as the roommate of a young woman who enjoys partying a bit too much. Which prompts you to take steps to correct her behavior, before she gets herself into trouble. The game Bad Bobby was one of the first games to introduce me to modern visual novel games, so Lacy would have been my friendly homage to Bad Bobby's Lucy. But, I ultimately retooled this idea into something else, and I think if I did it now, I'd probably try to make Lacy a little more visually distinct.

Alright, since you came all the way to the end of this post, I guess there is one image I can tease from next chapter, which you'll find as an attachment below.

Thanks for being here, and I'll see you tomorrow for the regularly scheduled Dev Update!



Jack T

Brittany with an I for the win LOL...... also thanks I feel goblin girls and orc girls dont get any love in games with fantasy aspects same with dwarfs and beast kin (no not a furry myself but have to be fair to them to) but you show someone any elf a human fairy or even a drow and they lose their !@#! (rant done) but seriously thanks for all the hard work and also knew I recognized her haha yea bad bobby was most likely a lot of peoples first game (myself included) but your work as a DEV speaks volumes in a great way for itself THANKS AGAIN


Thank YOU for the kind words! And yeah, the elves always get the love in fantasy games. But the world needs more beefy green ladies! 💪

Ancient Nerd

Well, we already have a very revealing microbikini sideboob pic from watching Brittani's Picogram, so I'd say *technically* any tastefull sexy naked preview pics shouldn't be against policy. ;)