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Hey, friends! Happy Halloween! I promised you a little special Halloween content, and here it is! Fair warning, this isn't any kind of full update - it's maybe five minutes of content, and 50~ images. Just a little gift from me to you, bridging Chapters 3 and 4, while also offering a little naughty Halloween fun. In the spirit of the holidays, I'm not putting it behind a paywall.


I really hate to make everyone download the entire thing for a small amount of content. I'd planned to make a patch for the Halloween content, but I ran out of time before I had to rush off to work today. I'll get it done tomorrow when I'm back home, though.

Moving on! I really struggled with what I wanted to do for Halloween this year. Holidays, particularly Halloween and Christmas, have a lot of meaning to me. I love holiday traditions, holiday food, and of course -- holiday specials! So, I wanted to do it right.

Unfortunately, that passion for the holidays really wound up stymieing me a bit, causing me to overthink the entire thing. I ran through three ideas before I finally settled on this one.

My first idea was simple - a Halloween photoset. Easy peasy! But, it really felt a little too easy. Not special enough.

My second idea was ambitious - a mini-game, starring a secondary character from Friends in Need, and told via flashback. I wrote 90% of this and had begun rendering it, but I began to worry about getting some backlash, due to content the game would have featured. It would've edged into NTR territory, and I began to worry it would make the history of these characters a little too tangled. So, I rewrote it to star Guy, but it felt like a real half-hearted effort after pulling out so much content. So, I scrapped it.

My third idea was another mini-game, starring new characters, but set in the FiN universe - like The Student Loan. Once again, I'd written 90% of it, and begun rendering it.. But, I didn't love it. I liked it, and I'll likely use it later after some polishing. But, it needs some work before I'll love it.

So, finally I circled back and created this new Halloween special. Unfortunately, I'd wasted so much time running in circles that I'd left myself with one day to complete this thing. So, I began working at 7 AM yesterday, and wrapped up at 9 PM. I woke up at 3 AM to compile it before I had to head into work today.

It's not perfect. There's a few little things I want to tweak ahead of the next Chapter's release - mainly adding more Halloween photos and cleaning up the ending. But for now, it's good enough. A wise man once said that done is better than perfect, and I'm trying to internalize that.

Now, I'm going to go get some rest. But, I hope that you have a Happy Halloween and a lovely week! I'll be back tomorrow with a Dev Update, where I'll show you some images from the projects I began and abandoned.

I always say this, but thank you for your support. The only reason I'd do something as crazy as trying to complete a one-day update, is because of your enthusiasm and passion. 

Oh hey, if you want to do something nice - tell me what your favorite Halloween special is in the comments below! I'm a big fan of South Park's A Nightmare on Facetime, and American Dad's Best Little Horrorhouse in Langley Falls. And The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror, seasons one twelve are classics.

That's it from me! Take it easy, everyone!




Well, if it counts my fav Halloween special is the Halloween episode of the Headmaster. That was good shit.


Buffy the vampire slayer, s4 ep4 “Fear Itself” A haunted house themed frat party, which accidentally becomes a real haunted house.