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Hey friends, how's everyone doing this week?

This isn't going to be a very exciting update, I'm afraid. Honestly I'm still just nose-to-the-grindstone, alternating between writing and rendering. Current render count is around 250, and I'd like to reach 400 by the end of the month. 

I've made substantial progress in bringing the script closer to completion, but I'm still not done with it. As the story gets more involved, it also means writing more variations for everyone, which can be a bit daunting at times. I was always prepared for this, and I'm happy to do the work, but if it seems like stuff isn't moving as quickly as you'd like at times -- that's why.

Up top, you'll see I started rendering a short scene with Pepper, the goth cutie that you met in Chapter Three.. assuming you didn't take Gabby to the boutique. But, fear not - this scene will allow you to meet her, even if you didn't bump into her the first time around. Personally, I'm really fond of her cute little facial piercings..

I'd actually done some exploratory renders for Pepper's Ch. 4 scene previously, one of which you'll see above. This was using a pre-made set I'd bought from the Daz store, and unfortunately it was way too much of a memory hog. As I continue making this game, I'm constantly trying to optimize and refine my workflow, and part of that has been ensuring my sets don't take forever to render, before I commit to using them.

So, I scrapped the other set, and built my own little diner from parts of other sets. While I was at it, I gave Pepper a new costume. I think it's an improvement.

Once Pepper's scene is wrapped, then I'll begin completing Ashe's park scene. That one's been a delight to work on so far. It's way easier to navigate the camera in an outdoor scene, and the lighting conditions help everything render super quickly. Pretty rad!

After that, it's onto Brittani's scene. In case you missed it, I posted some early renders for that scene, in yesterday's patron-exclusive NSFW Sneak-Peek! That's another scene where I had one set initially picked out, and wound up pivoting to a different one I cobbled together, to make sure the renders processed as quickly as possible. And in doing so, I also came up with a cool little story reason for the photo studio to exist as it does. Please enjoy another early, exploratory render for that scene, before Brittani's costume poll had decided her looks for the chapter.

Once I complete Britt's scene, that'll really put me over the hump for this update. So, full steam ahead! I'm looking forward to really digging into that one.

Thanks for being here and supporting the game. It really means a lot, and I'll keep doing my best to make sure you're getting your money's worth.

On that note - I'm still cooking up something special for Halloween, and I'll likely drop it on the 30th or 31st.

See you next time!




Love the sweaty Ashe abs!


Happy to hear that work is proceeding well! I must say though that as someone who speaks Dutch, to see a Dutch Valentines ad visible on the store through the diner window is quite funny.


Hah! I really thought about editing that texture since it's so incongruous, but I'm just going to hand-wave it away by declaring the city has a robust immigrant population. :'D