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EDIT 9/3/22: This teaser is now available to all patrons. Have fun!

EDIT 8/28/22: I've released the full Alpha to $15+ patrons, so I'm opening this teaser up to all $5+ patrons. Enjoy!

Heyyyyy guys.

So, here's where we're at: I've got 973 images done for Chapter 3, and still need another 100-150 to finish the chapter. And unfortunately I have to work tomorrow, so I won't be getting anything done vis a vis rendering, for the next day.

So, this is just the first little bit of Chapter Three, answering the mystery of what happened to Nicki, and letting you have a little fun with her! If you want to wait a few days and play the whole thing at once, then I encourage you to do that. But, I didn't feel right not giving you guys something to play this weekend.

I wanted to put out an Alpha version with everything I currently have done, but honestly I've been working on this thing all day, and this was the best I could do. I'm so tired my teeth hurt. I'm going to bring my files to my day job tomorrow, and see if I can get everything else added, and do a proper playtest with all the images in it. If I manage to do that, I'll update this post and send out a mass message.

I very briefly checked this Alpha for bugs and broken images, but some may have gotten past me. While I was adding images, I made a few notes for some images I'd like to add or change, noted a few bits of egregious clipping, etc. I'll do my best to squash all those issues ASAP.

Alright, have fun! Thank you (thank you, thank you) for your patience, and have a great weekend. I'll be back here with a finished version as soon as humanly possible.



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