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Hey friends, hope everyone's well!

Obviously I fell short of my goal to get the game out by the 19th. Nobody's more bummed about it than me. All I can say is that I'm working on this thing every day to bring it to completion. I'm over 800 renders now, with a couple scenes left to go. Which is kind of nuts, since I had every intention of making this installment smaller than Chapter Two.

I'd thought about putting out an early alpha, with only the first couple of scenes, as I did with Chapter Two. But, at this point I'm close enough to being done that it seems like it'd be a bit perfunctory.

That said, I do think I'm going to try something new with the $15+ tier, after the dev cycle for Chapter Three is finished. I'll start sharing even more of the development materials to that tier, in terms of my road map for the update, character costumes, new character designs, and text-only builds of the game. That way, high-tier patrons can have a true first look at the new chapters, and provide some valuable feedback into the direction of the game.

In less fun news, I had a little frustration with my most batch of renders. For whatever reason the Render Queue stopped overnight, so instead of waking up to 50~ renders as expected, I had 9. The trials and tribulations of being an adult game dev! :,D

Still, I'm chugging right along. I basically have to finish rendering the scenes in the clothes shop (where you'll get some payoff for that bikini poll I posted a while back..) as well as the epilogue, and I'll be done. My goal is to get all of the clothes shop scenes posed today, so they can render overnight.

I took a day off from my day job so I could have a little extra time to work on the game, so believe me when I say I'm serious about getting it out this week. It's coming, but I can only move as fast as technology will allow me to.

Thanks again for your patience, folks. It means a lot to me. If you ever have any questions, comments, concerns, etc. about the status of the game, please don't hesitate to reach out via private message. I'm always happy to hear from you guys!

Hopefully I'll be back here in the next couple of days with a finished build for you.

As always, thank you for your support, and take care of yourselves!



Da Salty One

Don't sweat not releasing on the 19th to much. You warned us that it was an ambitious release date and the fact that you added more too the update then you originally planed is a plus in my book. Your dev cycle for releases is pretty quick by my standards and with over 800 renders for a update too boot, you won't find me complaining about a week delay. Also finding out you also work a day job makes it even more impressive. So once again don't stress it too much and really look forward to the release and also this new revision of the $15 dollar tier so cheers.


Thanks, man! I really appreciate that. Honestly, everyone's been super cool about release dates. I'm just the type to beat myself up over these things. :D

Da Salty One

Don't worry but I get wanting to keep your word on this type of stuff, but don't beat yourself up too much. Also really loving the look of this new character with the piercing's. Can't wait to see more of her.

Bob Obo

No need to take off from your job on our account homie. Thanks for your hard work


No worries, it was kind of a use-it-or-lose-it personal day, so I just moved it from later in the year. Honestly, I usually try to schedule updates for my days off anyhow, just so I can be around to answer questions/do emergency fixes. :D