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Hey friends, hope everyone's doing well.

Not much to report right now! I've got my nose to the grindstone, churning out renders as quickly as I can. Render count is somewhere around 650? So, we're getting there, slowly but surely.

My primary goal is to get Chapter Three out to every patron tier this month. With that in mind, here's the schedule I'm currently targeting:

  • 8/19 - $15+
  • 8/26 - $5+
  • 8/31 - $2+
  • 9/2 - Public

Now, I strive for transparency, so I'll be real with you - that's an ambitious schedule. I'm closing in on the end, but I'm still going to need time to correct some bad renders (people/objects floating, objects clipping, weird facial expressions, etc.) which will take me a minute. Then I need to insert all the renders into the script, and test the chapter. And that's assuming I get all the remaining images posed and rendered.

It also looks like I'm going to need to recreate one set I'd planned to use, because the premade one I bought has too many surfaces and textures. So, it's eating my VRAM, and making it nearly impossible to render with multiple figures in it. Not a big deal, but it'll take me an hour or two to get a new set built.

So, I'm going to bust my ass to get the update done ASAP, but try to be patient with me if the schedule slips a little bit. I take a lot of pride in not putting out broken, bug-riddled updates. That's not to say it never happens, but I definitely try my best to avoid it.

I think that's it for this week! Not much news, honestly. I posed 100 new renders yesterday, rendering roughly half of them overnight while I slept. Trying to do the same today.

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and have a great week.
