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Hey friends, I've been so busy that I almost forgot to post the weekly update! As a result, I'm doing this from my laptop that doesn't have any art on it, so pardon the lack of teaser art this week.

As of now, there are two versions of Friends in Need available to patrons: the Chapter Three Alpha (for $15+ patrons) and the Chapter Three Teaser (for $5+ patrons).

The Teaser has a couple of complete scenes with Nicki, including a spicy scene. It's basically complete, aside from the animations I plan to add, and a few fixes I need to make to a few renders.

The Alpha is still missing approximately 150 images I need to render, as well as some variables and dialogue/typo tweaks. But, it features the full script, and mostly completed art - though I need to airbrush a few things, and adjust a handful of faces.

It's my goal to have a quality Beta out this Friday, including all art and a polished script, which I plan to open immediately to $5 patrons. A further refined version will be made available to all $2+ patrons the following Wednesday, and the public version will follow on 9/9/22.

Other than that, I'm getting back to writing the next update, after getting derailed by Chapter Three's oft-frustrating development. Orc Exchange remains on the backburner for the moment, but I've been writing down ideas for it as they occur to me.

I think I might try something a little different in September, and use it to do a from-the-ground-up reboot of Chapter One. Given the low number of renders, I should be able to knock it out in a month. Then I'll start the full development cycle for Chapter Four. This is mostly because I need a little breather, and to do something a bit easier, after having Chapter Three kick my ass a little. :'D

I'm really excited for everyone to have Chapter Three in their hands. I honestly really thrive on you folks providing me with feedback, positive or negative. So, these two-month delays between releases are as hard for me as they are for you.

In the meantime, my friend Horizontical released a new update for The Regional Manager. If you've never played it, give it a try. I'm a big fan, and I've never really been into sandbox games. I also plotted two events in The Regional Manager, one of which you'll be seeing in the near future. 

Hey, is that Brent?! :0

While I'm plugging other people's stuff, maybe go try Banking on Bella, by Profile Game Studio. This is personally one of my favorite adult VNs, owing to the large number of moral choices you get to make. And one of the devs, Pablo3000, has been incredibly generous with his time when I've bugged him for tips on Daz Studio.

These aren't shill posts or paid advertisements, by the way. I just genuinely love these games. :D

Alright, that's all for now. Be on the lookout for a new update this week!




Awesome, really excited to see what you've got for us!