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Oof, is it August already? Where does the time go?!

I'm still just rendering my little heart out for Chapter Three of FiN. Current render count is around 300~. I really planned to make this a more modest update, but it's currently on track to be at least as big as Chapter Two, and maybe bigger. Whoops!

I'm still refraining from putting out an official release date for Chapter Three until I've got most of the images in the can. But, I'd really love to have it out to $15+ patrons in the next two weeks. At this point it's all down to how quickly I can pose and render scenes. I typically pose as many as I can in a sitting, run them through Render Queue while I'm at my day job, rinse, and repeat. Slowly getting the hang of this workflow!

This chapter features four potential sex scenes (and I'm trying to decide if I want to add a fifth..), six scene locations, and three new characters (two of which can be romanced), so it's a bit of a beast. But, I set all the scenes, lights, and characters up ahead of time while I was writing the chapter, which will save me a lot of time.

In other news, the $15+ patrons have selected the next mini-game and it's -- Orc Exchange, the medieval fantasy game where you get to romance Oola, a young orc who's ignorant to the ways of your people. I ran some renders this morning just to give you folks an idea of what her game might look like, which you can find up top.

For centuries, orcs and elves have been at war. But, amid new leadership, tensions are finally cooling. Thus began - the cultural exchange program! Elves living with orcs, and orcs living with elves!  Agreeing to take an orcish student into your home, you're not sure what  to expect. But, there's sure to be a bit of culture shock. Will you take  advantage of her ignorance and naivety, or help her acclimate to a strange new society? Whatever you do, just try not to reignite the war between your respective people!

With FiN Chapter Three down to the renders, I'm splitting my writing time between FiN Chapter Four, reorganizing the code for the eventual remaster of FiN Chapter One, and Orc Exchange. I had some content from earlier drafts of FiN that I was able to use for the revamped Chapter Four, which will dramatically cut down the amount of writing I'll need to do. Chapter Four will introduce a much-teased and anticipated character, so I'm excited for that.

As for Orc Exchange, I'm trying something a little different. I'm writing it with the intention of making it entirely first-person, and done as kind of a week-long dating sim, where you earn points each day for love, lust, and domination, all of which will dictate the ending you get. I'm trying to make it less reliant on my normal, verbose narration, and more driven by dialogue. That'll shave the writing time down dramatically.

That's all I've got for you this week! Hopefully I'll be back here next Monday to tell you I'm nearing the end of the renders.

As always, take care -- and thank you for your support!



James Smith

Nice. I am really excited for the new chapter - you seem to manage to pack a full story of a character in a single chapter, so I am ready to love the new girl that you will introduce. A pity Brittanie won't be there, though.


Oh, Brittani will be featured in this chapter, don't worry. You'll get to come face-to-face with her, setting up a sex event that I have planned for Chapter Four. :D

James Smith

Heh, nice to know and can't wait to see on all the combination of gabi and her relationship. (Also of all the ways we can darkpath her). Seriously, with her and gabi relationship there are at least three dinamics in the triangle with MC that should follow.

James Smith

Niice. Again, can't wait. She is by far my favourite. Will we see her in a cheerleader outfit?

Bob Obo

God I can't wait for more Nikki content. I'm really looking forward to the extended relationships.


I'm super excited for everyone to get to know Nicki better. Especially following her extended separation from the MC. Out of curiosity, are you looking forward to the nice or not-so-nice content? Either way, there's a good bit of both in Chapter Three.

Bob Obo

uuuuh.... the not-so-nice content lol (but I always wind up playing all the variations). I tell myself it's okay because they're fictional characters :|