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Hey friends, hope everyone's having a good one! This week's preview images feature a new Friend in Need. That means this chapter adds two new characters, one of which is romanceable immediately. Apparently I just love making work for myself!

Just an FYI: The Student Loan is now available for free to the public. It's been cool to see more people playing and enjoying it since it hit the $2 tier, and I'm excited for even more people to get access to it.

Speaking of mini-games, I put up a poll for $15+ patrons this morning, letting them vote on the plot of the next mini-game. Here's a little teaser of the possible choices. As soon as a finalist has been selected, I'll be sure to post about it in a future dev update.

In FiN news, I'm currently in render-mode, doing my best to get as many images done as possible each day. As long as my current pace holds, I should be in a good position to get the update out to high-tier patrons in mid-August, and everyone else by the end of the month.

In Patreon news, I decided to reorganize the tiers a little bit. I'm leaving all the existing tiers basically as-is, but I'm adding a new, $3 tier. This one kind of splits the difference between the $2 and $5 tiers, and allows early access to Friends in Need by four days. I'm still fine-tuning the tier system, and hope to continue adding new benefits as I continue developing games. The tier changes won't be implemented until next month, but the revised tiers will stand as follows:

  • $2 - Access to Friends in Need one day before public release. 
  • $3 - Access to Friends in Need four days before public release.
  • $5 - Access to Friends in Need ten days before public release.
  • $15 - Access to Friends in Need as soon as it's ready. Voting rights for future mini-games.

In addition, mini-games will continue to have a staggered, two-week access window for patrons.

I've always believed in making art accessible to as many people as possible, which is why I've kept the tier structure pretty simple. But, I also want to give a good value for people who want to support me, and I'm hoping people will see the $3 tier as a solid value proposition.

I'm also looking at ways to make the $5 and $15 tiers more attractive to patrons. Current ideas are to give $5+ patrons exclusive access to polls pertaining to Friends in Need, and offering $15+ patrons one render of their choice, each month. But, I'm still mulling that last one over.

But hey, what would you like? Monthly wallpapers? Behind-the-scenes stuff? More render-sets? Or should I just focus my attention on the development of the games?

Let me know! Comment below, or just shoot me a private message. Always happy to hear from you folks!

We're in the home stretch for FiN Chapter Three now, and I can't wait for everyone to see it. Until next time, take care of yourselves and have a great week!



Bob Obo

I'd prefer you focus on the FiN (and mini-game) releases, but if you like to take breaks to work on other things then that's fine :)


Noted! I get the feeling that most people would rather just get the games, so I'll bear that in mind going forward. Always a pleasure to hear from you, Bob!

James Smith

Can you change the background? Please? For someone game related? Every time I come to your page I am not sure if this is the right place.


The header and such? Sure! I’ll do it tomorrow, when I have access to my PC. I’ve been meaning to give a little love to the page, but just haven’t had a lot of time to mess with it. I’ll see what I can do, though. 👍

James Smith

Thanks. Those multicoloured ghostly condoms give me a headache. Like, even just a writing "Neon Ghosts Studio" would be better.


Honestly I need to redo a lot of the branding stuff for the game. I’ve been trying to make some forum signatures for the last month, and still haven’t gotten around to it. 😅

James Smith

Yep. Do all that before you release the chapter - discord, certain patreon rewards, headings, signatures, all the stuff. Even if it will take longer to release the chapter, prepare everything first. You will get a momentary inflow of people (hopefully) and you want to keep them here.

James Smith

Hm. Ash looks a bit fat in this dress, Kasie has a weird look, othewerise good. And overall much better than was before.

James Smith

Also, Britannie looks great. I am bised here, big titted blond teenage cheerleaders are my fetish, but still.