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Hello everyone!

Hope you’re all doing well? Me, I am actually starting to feel quite good. Winter is my season and I just love the cold and the white snow-covered landscape. There is something quite magical about it that’s hard to describe. It needs to be experienced.

I’m extremely grateful for the continued support, you all. Thank you for sticking around for another month and keeping the dream alive! Thank you!

I’m looking to make some big changes in the near future, now that I’m really ramping things up. I’m going to look over the tier-system (add things, not remove), publish more work in progress and test-animation and begin releasing monthly (or even weekly) “mini-animations” alongside the larger projects I’m working on, to always keep things interesting.

These mini-animations would be super short (maybe 1-3 scenes, amounting to no more than a few seconds of video) and could vary greatly in style and scenario, though mostly focus on vore, of course. I very often get inspirational bursts that I never get to realize because I’ve got my hands full with the larger projects, but I think I need these inspirational outlets. It is also a chance to try out characters, scenes, and techniques, which will benefit the larger projects in turn.

I’ve had a bit of a slow month with “Her First Shoot” extended version to be honest. A lot of "real life" stuff has been keeping me busy. But now that I’ve got more time and more hardware, things will speed up. I can’t give you an ETA but I’m aiming for an early access release next month, if all goes well.

Thanks again, and take care!



Can’t wait!:)

Jack asdf

Wisconsin winters are a thing to behold ;)


Amazing! It will be any uvula play scene on that animations??? :D


I would actually love to see some different style of giantess , like alien or other mythical creatures used in shorts to get a little bit of variety into your work!


It would definitely be cool to see some monster girls from Felarya


Sounds incredible for everyone! Love that you'll be able to do this work full-time now. You've certainly come a long way from doing this as a hobby back on DeviantArt.


sounds like a great idea on the short animations as well as the story driven longer ones! thanks for the updates, looking forward to your next installments.


I would actually be really interested in a winter setting again, for either a shorter or longer animation. Maybe a giantess is walking through the slow to find a shrunk person, maybe it's another Christmas setting, etc.


Great idea on the shorter mini animations. Would love seeing something perhaps weekly instead of the long long waiting for a full story. Of course we still need the stories, but great to have something in between instead of nothing!! “Crickets” 🤔. Looking forward to it…..