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"The Perfect Swallow" was a larger project that I started working on but that later got scrapped. I'm afraid it will never be finished (it is too big, pretty much).

The idea for the animation was simple: to have several beautiful women talk about eating people while... well, eating people! When they'd share their anecdotes we would see them play out. This would allow for tons of different scenarios without much need for setup, as well as establishing personalities for the ladies.

"My First Tiny" is pretty much one of these scenarios, where Lailanni tells the story about the first time she ate someone. Another dinner guest might have told the others that she ate her big brother, or had fun with a tiny in the bedroom, or ate her would-be husband on the alter! It could also have featured imaginary scenarios, like what it would have been like to be a giant during the middle ages or something. Anything would have worked, pretty much.

Here are some test renders I did initially for the project and you will of course recognize some of the characters.



Thomas Jengle

when will the next animation be?


like the sassy looking brunette girl.


Wait, the blonde girl is Josephine from Shrunk and Drunk? I didn't recognize her in the video ^^ Also Leilani has a different outfit and the brunette wearing a green skirt (with no panties? 🤔) Wasn't in the video. Does this imply The Perfect Swallow would have happened over several days?


Out of curiousity, is there any news on the "Locker Room" sequel?

Jack asdf

I love the idea of more senerios and I also love the idea of more internal maw shots


Yo it’d be so dope if king kinda tied in all the different stories together kinda making them all “canon” and making like a series for us to follow. I’d love to see some attack on titan wiking version where the giantesses win of course 😌


you could do a sequel where one girl of them is streamer and do it for views. or a unaware eating when a girl eating her boyfriend and dont know that he/her is in the food


Could we maybe get a trailer or teaser for “her first shoot” in the near future?

Tanis Steele

I think "Elle Swallows" was probably one of my favorite loops. It was the first one I found of yours. Sometimes short and sweet is perfect!


I NEEEED a video woth the brunette in the white top.


Damn that sounds like it woulda been such an awesome video


Love to see Sara swallow some more! Maybe some internal shots next time??


Would like to see more scenes of Sara too.