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Hello everyone!

Thank you once again for another amazing month! 

I’m happy to say that I’m going to have a lot more time in the near future to work and improve and I hope this will translate to better and more frequent releases.

My First Tiny” is now out for general release, as some might have noticed already, and the 1440p HQ-version is also posted and downloadable. I’m sorry that it took so long to finalize the animation but I also feel that the animation is a lot better for it, as the narrative is more complete (and we get some more vore!).

Work on “Her First Shoot” full version is going very well! With my second hardware upgrade I can actually afford to render different angles and shots for a scene in full detail and pick the one I like best, rather than having to economize my render times as much as I did before, which limited my choices.

On a slightly more sober note; I have several hundred PMs that I haven't come around to read and reply to and I'm sorry for that. I'm not very good at keeping pace and when it starts to pile up, it gets even harder. I know this is one of the things I need to get better at and hopefully I will. Bare with me, please.

Well, thanks again! Take care!



Have you ever thought about investing in a render farm to take a load off your shoulders? They'd end up rendering the pieces for you whilst you're free to work on other scenes.


You're the best down the line I'd love too see a scene were the clothes get ripped off keep up the good work


You should make a discord so that you PM box isn't filled up.


Didn't he already do that briefly in Chapter X?


Her first shor when will be? Only for knowing :P


I could have used that before but I don't need it anymore. Right now I have more "horse power" than I'm using making the bottleneck the animating and planning (which is good).


I've been thinking about that too, but it would be moving the same issue to another platform. I simply need to try getting better keeping up with the messages.


Why don't you make several videos with different angles of the same scene? When you rendered it out it would be a waste not to use them.


Ah I saw you replied on DA so you can skip the same question I asked you here, obviously. Wouldn't want to waste your time with mailbox spam.


To be honest man, the “my first tiny” was just the beach scene (which we already has see) and some extra seconds of the first shoot bowl scene which was new. I can speak for myself and the rest of the community when I say that we have HIGH expectations for the next post of yours and hope for some NEW scenes to look at.


To be honest, high expectations have always been met so far. What you describe are bonus scenes most other content creators probably wouldn't even add to a main project. There is really no point in complaining now.


Can we have an update on Her First Shoot please? Possibly a render or something, the suspense is killing me lol


Is there more vore on the beach? The first part of this story id like to see more of that! I like the story line tho!