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Hello everyone,

Why does this animating-thingy-ma-jig always take so long? :)

The longer version of “My First Tiny” is now done and I think it much more nicely ties the narrative together. I also feel quite good about being able to use the assets and scenes I created for “The Perfect Swallow” in this as well, after that project having been scrapped and all. I also went back and fixed some issues I had with the first release (some clipping, a bit of audio out of place, some coloring and so on).

I tried out some new stuff in this as well, including physics simulations for the saliva in the added scenes (instead of key-framing). I think it looks pretty neat.

As a technical side note for those that are interested: the scene where [start spoilers] she plucks the guy out of the bowl [end spoilers] was the most taxing scene I’ve ever rendered out! It used up 17 gb of VRAM on the GPU and over 55 gb of DRAM. And that’s after I had to remove a few characters from the scene to avoid it crashing on me.

Like normal it will be made downloadable in full HQ in a separate post in a few days.

Well, enjoy! Hope you like it!

You can now download the 1080p version from Mega by clicking the link and pasting the key.

LINK: https://mega.nz/file/Nt53DACA

KEY: 55hjBTe4EbtkLR7LBXFm-aVfKrh0Eix6T0y8oZf-XgA


My First Tiny by TheWiking2000 1080p.mp4


Tanis Steele

Seriously your vids knock it out of the park everytime!


Bravo! Excellent work :)


Love the nostalgic angle of it all from the pred view, another banger in the books!

Viktor Blomqvist

You're amazing! Your videos are the best of the best.


My favorite animation, not sure why but this one was just amazing. The last chick at the end was incredible, hope to see her again maybe! Lol.


Amazing!! Her first shoor would be in the next month?


Oh wow, I thought the original was fantastic but this is another level! Love the new girl Sara at the end, incredible job!

El Portero

"Food in the stomach" vore... I might just have died watching this! Truly amazing work visually, and I absolutely loved the storytelling aspect of it!!


Fantastic, maaan!


Amazing animation next time for the pov the tiny should have some sort of light to light up their decent into the stomach. But all n all 15/10 well done


Absolutely loved it! Any plans to have vore scenes with the blonde?


Yes, I know :) I did it this way to save on render time and since it was POV, it did also make sense that it was pitch black.


There were plans in the script for "The Perfect Swallow" but that was scrapped. She might show up again in something else in the future, since the model is ready to go, so to speak.


Amazing work! Any idea what you might be doing next?


Thanks! Always enjoy your content!


Well, a lot of time went by since the previous version. Gotta admit the first part looks much cleaner now! And it was a clever tie in to the Perfect Swallow scrap. I think the final vore shot was really great; the physic simulated saliva was good, the sound design was astounding, and paired with the pitch black, it really gave out this feeling of overwhlming despair and entrapment, despite the fact that they were 'just' inside a seemingly innocent girl. I also enjoyed seeing the pink haired Asian from your first Face sync tests ^^ (I also noticed the prey at the beach shares a lot of similarity with the "Stop squirming" girl, at the same beach... Hm...) Now, I'm gonna be honest, and perhaps blunt, but I think this one-month delay was... frustrating, to say the least. As a subscriber, I had access to the first version since the beginning, but what about all the people on Deviantart? You had announced a public release 1-2 weeks after the Patreon release, which means start of October. Of course, the extra scene was top notch as always, and I am grateful for it, but I truly think you should have given the public what was promised initially, and THEN add more on top of it :/ I hope you don't take it too personally. This video is easily one of my top favorites from you now, but I felt the need to share my frustration regarding the scehdule. :)


Always worth the wait. Dont let the "you shoulda did this, i'm so mad" BS get to you. Anyone who's ever had to work around pc's and large files know that shit happens, and things almost never come out the way you want them when you want them. Keep up the good work, happy to support you man!


Does anyone else have the issue that Google Drive says that the video cannot be played because it has been accessed too many times?


It’s not loading for me on Gdrive :(


That POV scene was awesome! Maybe just a tad slower next time so I can really admire that amazing rendering 👌


incredible work, beautiful animation, fluid and smooth. Great narrative, I love it! The end scene you added on was a fantastic surprise. Thank you. Look forward to more of this quality and especially love it when paired with a great narrative.


What a dark ending…I LOVE IT


One of your best films for smoothness and detail! And as I’d mentioned before (in the early access) that the internal scenes were awesome! Just love to see a little more of them . And the New Girl, , Has to be your best looking character you’ve ever done!! Beautiful! Hope to see her again soon, and maybe a little light on all the tinies inside her stomach next time…. Keep up the good work!

Eric W. Jones

Lovely animation! Keep up the good work!


As ever, a glorious animation! It always brings a smile to my face when I see a new video by you. If I have anything negative to say, it's the absence of stomach SFX during the belly shot from 2:32 to 3:05. Don't get me wrong, it's a great shot, one of the best you've employed for a video, but it feels a little bit static. The addition of stomach noises would have, in my opinion, added to the scene. I eagerly await 'Her First Shoot', I know you won't disappoint!