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Vibaelia Patron Gautam Behal's sketch for April! (holy crap we are behind on this)

Request was Ritona fighting and we got a darker theme one this time around. More monthly updates coming and we'll be sending out a round of votes to people for the bw and color sketch so please sit tight.

Anyways, hi guys.

First of all, thank you everyone who's responded with comments regarding the Tech Demo. Most of the suggestions on improvements have pretty much aligned with our list of known bugs/features we needed to improve on, so I'd say it went over pretty well. We'll be making a version 2 with most, if not all of the fixes we believe should be implemented.  Question is... can we release this version, the highly improved version of the Tech Demo, to the public? We might go through one more round of closed testing but at some point we wanted to release it into the wild. I ask because I have said in the past that the English version would be a Patreon exclusive but the Tech Demo can raise awareness of what we at AiD are currently doing, especially if we can time it with a massive sale like Steam's Summer Sale. Releasing within our Patreon community first and at an early stage was a prudent idea, both on AiDs and our patrons sake because A) we got to receive feedback from a group of people that genuinely care about what's going on with our production (hence won't be harsh in an irrational manner) and B) you guys got to see whats going on way earlier than non-patrons.

I'm gonna leave this up to you guys though.

Second announcement: the results of the AX merch is in but we have slightly unfortunate news...? Maybe it's actually good news for people who can't attend AX which is like 99% of you.

Here are the results from the top 2 items from both categories:

Large Production:

Drinking Glass 18

T-Shirt 17

Small production:

Mugs 22

Mouse Pad 17

So from what we originally said, we would have made the drinking glass, mug and mousepad, but unfortunately, there is no company currently that can handle the production of drinking glasses in time for AX. So what we've decided to do, was to just make all 4 but with the drinking glass lagging behind. The official announcement will be "T-Shirt, Mugs and Mousepad for AX!!" and we'll sell drinking glasses as a completely separate thing at a slightly later time. Patrons will, as usual, get first dibs on the purchase of the glasses. T-shirts and mugs will be forever available but the mousepads might run out so we'll make sure to make extras. The designs will be as follows:

Mousepad: Super-character-y-animey-yeah-this-is-a-use-at-home kind of design.

T-Shirt : appropriate for every day use so no characters. Looks cool more than anything like our current fault shirt.

Mugs: Somewhere in between the two above.

Aaaaaand finally... we have a major announcement to make on the 13th! This ones pretty exciting too. We might take a survey that day again. We'll see you then folks!

Please leave a comment if you have any questions about anything. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.





Speaking as one of the cheap bums on the lowest tier, I see no problem with more access to the tech demo >.>


That art looks so bad ass! and what a major update :P glad you guys are ironing out the issues for tech demo. Yay Mugs are on the list :D cant wait to buy one


Ah, as one that really liked the mousepad idea, I hope a few make it for online buying before running out. Really need a new one and Fault would be lovely. Mug is also really cool too.Was routing for the character t-shirt tho. An announcement and survey on 13th? Exciting! Also, on Tech Demo. I am for making it public. When I played it I was really impressed with where the game was going, and I really wanted to show a friend who tried Fault and enjoyed it off my suggestion. But, they aren't patreon so I wasn't keen on the idea of giving them a download somehow. So if there is a public one, I can point them to it and share my excitement. So for it. Oops almost forgot, really love the art!


I think, at this point, it wouldn't be a bad idea at all to release tech demo v.2 to the wild esp. that you've gotten feedback from us and you can put out a more polished demo. Getting more eyes out there to see it helps even if it's just to get the word out and coinciding with a huge event like a steam sale ensures that there's actually people browsing on steam that might just come across it. I don't see anything bad coming from it at least other than some harsh or misguided critique. Regarding the Drinking Glass... as someone who voted for it and will be going to AX, this makes me the sad 1%. XD but it's alright because it'll still happen. Can't wait to see you guys!


Also, kind of random, but being so close to 3,000 is teasing. I can't wait to reach it and get that music.


Yay, mousepads! Let's just hope you guys don't run out too quickly, as I can't go to AX. On the matter of the tech demo v2, I'm all for making it public. The more people who know about the series, the better, and there's a chance that some of those people might become a patron once they get a glimpse of the awesomeness you guys are making. To me, the most important thing is that we got to see it first and give feedback.


That sketch is awesome :D. Ritona is the best <3 <3 <3 About releasing the tech demo, I'm a bit too busy to look into it at the moment, but if you developers think it's polished enough to release to the public, by all means go for it. At least then it could raise more interest in the project.


I love the descriptions of the merch, especially the mouse-pad haha. I'm part of the 1% that will be at AX, fortunately, so I definitely want to grab a T-shirt at least.


Let's do this. Next post will have instructions for our patrons to send us a DM and we'll reserve AX goods for people who can be there.


Make the tech demo public if you want, I'm all for it. It could work as the demo for StP rather than "let's release half the game" demo that you've done for the Fault series so far...


This was kind of our initial sales tactic. You buy ms1 and you basically get 75% of the series so far because we were confident that if they got that far they will most likely appreciate the series. It was our way of saying, "hey if you buy milestone one, you basically can read all the way up to the mid point of milestone two, all for 5 bucks during this sale!" .... but people just buy ms2a if they like ms1 so I think this plan didn't work as well as we expected. We'd have to look into the numbers.


I'm looking to buying the new goods when they're available, especially the mug and drinking glasses! I'm in for making the demo public as well, to show off the technical achievements that you guys have managed so far.


All for making the tech demo public after more polish. Looking forward to getting some of the new goods!


Can't wait!