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Hey Guysssss. 3 things today. 

First! Big announcement!! I think a lot of you already know but the fault series is coming not only to the Playstation Vita but also the PS4!!! And whaddyaknow, they are also getting limited PHYSICAL COPIES as well! Crazy. Nuts! Check it out! We're on Playstaion's E3 announcement blog post! 


Second, and to a certain extent just as exciting. LOOK AT THE NEW MUG WE MADE!! (pictured above. If you've played the series it should be obvious what it it's depicting! It's so cool! Every family should have 10!

Third! is... not much of an announcement but more of a tally. Who's going to AX here? We'll try and reserve these suckers for you so please send us a DM telling us you want one. Or two. Lets make it two per person since they are mugs and they are kinda heavy... 

Once again, as always, none of this would have been possible without you all. Thank you and we'll see you soon again on a near future update. (probably shirts next




First congrats on the ps4 version. I don't own a ps4 and I prefer the PC version anyway, but still good news! The mugs certainly look adorable. If you sell them internationally, maybe I'll grab one (or two, as my faterh tends to break such things quite often...) someday... Thought I don't use mugs/glasses much. I'm perfectly fine drinking my water from a bottle :D


Good job guys! You totally deserve it! This gives me something else to look forward to once I get my eventual (upgraded) PS4 though I will definitely get the Vita version if it also has a physical release. I'm not much of a mug user too and that's why I opted for drinking glasses during the vote but for you guys, why not? Save one for me and see you guys there!


I'd go to AX but who wants to go to LA in the middle of summer. Actually, who wants to go to LA in general. But I can't wait to get myself a mug and the vita version.


I am so proud of you guys for getting a PS4 version and being featured on Sony's E3 page no less! I'm actually going to be at AX and would love one of those mugs for myself! Stupid question, but is "DM" a private message? Like, click the "Send ALICE IN DISSONANCE a message" button on the front page?


Oh wow, Great Congrats! And here's hoping one day poor UK me could get a hold of a mug


Wow you guys are exploding in popularity at this rate soon you guys are gonna be like rock stars. :p I read that whole PlayStation blog to see where you guys were mentioned and not only was I happy to see you guys there. But the last guardian a game I thought would never see the light of day is being released on my FREAKING BIRTHDAY. I am so sorry about the excitement for a game that isn't yours but Shadow of the Colossus and Ico are some of the best games I ever played...Your games are up there to so don't feel bad.

Crimson Idol

I'm glad that I will now be able to grab a physical version of fault for the Vita, too. Now I wonder what I will do with the PSN-key I pledged for at the Kickstarter/BackerKit. And I hope that Sekai's cooperation with Mighty Rabbit studios will speed up the porting process.


Aahh! I love the looks of them! Glad to hear about the partnership too! I want you guys to succeed, since you guys really deserve it!


Congrats! It's wonderful to see everything going well. Keep up the great work; we're rooting for you guys!~


Wow, congrats on getting the PS4 port! I feel like I'm watching one of my children grow up and go to college loool... The mug looks super cute though, and I definitely might be buying it once it comes out! I sadly won't be going to AX since it's entirely on the other side of the country for me, but I'll be looking forward to when you start selling them online! :^)


Oooh congratulations! That's good news to hear! The amazing thing is that it's being featured on PlayStation's own E3 page! Anyway too bad I can't make it to AX. The patrons who can't make it can still order some of these merchandise after right? Anyway, yeah!


Yep! The "Send ALICE IN DISSONANCE a message" is the Direct Message they're talking about.


Unrelated but did Patreon change the comment system layout? Typing a reply into these tiny tiny text boxes is kind of driving me nuts here compared to the old spacey boxes. Cant anything about it be done?


Limited physical copies? Im guessing patreons get a grab at them before they go.