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Hi guys.

So we've been wrapping our brains around how we should execute this sale while mitigating the cost of shipping as much as possible but unfortunately, we concluded that there really is no way until we find a way to store these things state side. We're currently working it out with Sekai Project but it's not as simple as just taking orders and shipping them out since fault isn't the only title that has physical goods under their umbrella (basically they are trying to set up a store properly). So while we wait for a better solution, we decided to do a Patrons only sale that we, AiD, will deal with on an individual basis. 

This is that classroom situation thing. Want something from above? Please raise your hand... or leave a comment below with what you want! That'll earn you a spot on the reserve line. 

For those of you that hit us up prior to this message via PM, we've already reserved your items (you know who you are). But for the sake of compiling a clean list, please leave your order here anyways. 

As for payment... we're most likely going to go through Paypal but they are giving us a hard time setting up an account. We can send money but it seems we can't receive it...yet. We're working this out now. If worst comes to worst we may ask you to raise the pledge for the amount of goods you want to buy and do it through Patreon temporarily  (I hope it doesn't have to come to that). 

Either way though, we'd like to see how many of what we need to get ready so please leave a comment with what you'd like. For limited items, we will honor the timecode as the messages come in. If for some reason you don't want to leave a public comment here, you can send us a private message as well. 

Here are the prices:

Physical Copy of MS1 Directors Cut (INTERNATIONAL) $15 US

Physical Copy of MS2a (JP ONLY) $15 US

Towel $10 US

Shirts $20 US

B2 Tapestry $20 US

(we will update shipping costs here, most likely around $15~30 US dollars depending on what you order) 


The tapestries, being shaped how they are, require a different box to ship out meaning you're going to have to pay for freight separately for the others. We may be able to roll up the towel or shirt with the tapestry so it only needs 1 long box but if you want the games, its gonna have to be shipped in a different box which will cost extra.

Finally, as a side note, we may do a different color scheme for the towel for the next run. Believe it or not those things were kinda expensive to make so if we're gonna do another set we want to do it another color. So if you like that teal/yellow/red scheme we recommend you purchase it asap. These towels sold well in Japan and numbers are limited. 

All shipping will be done through EMS.

Thanks guys!




Put me down for that physical copy of MS2a please.


Put me down for a tapestry, 2 towels and 2 shirts please =)


Put me down for a shirt and a tapestry please!


I'd like to order a tapestry, please.


1 of that B2 Tapestry :3


Words cannot express my excitement right now. I'd like to be put down for the tapestry, the physical copy of MS1 and the shirt. Please.


I want 1 shirt and 1 Towel. I'm alright with the towel being a different color scheme so you can put me in the second run of it and give someone else who wants the teal/yellow/red scheme. If that makes sense. Also I had two questions, sorry. 1.) Are there different sizes for the shirt? If not no worries I still want it, just curious. 2.) down the road, will it be possible to get both games international when ms2a is out for awhile? Just putting it out there to show I'd be interested in that, but understand if not. Thank you. Also thanks a lot for doing this, you guys are awesome!


I'd like to order a shirt please! What's the sizing on them though? I'll probably need a size XL.


I have no idea how to order, but I would like a tapestry and a copy of Fault Milestone One


Put me in line for a copy of milestone one, a tshirt, a tapestry, and a towel please


I would like a tapestry and towel!


Hello! Like in my email I sent several weeks ago (are you reserving items only for those who send through PM?), I want the tapestry! But could I also add in the towel? Upon closer inspection, it's really cute haha.


Oh a question about the physical game. Although I'm not sure if I wanted to get them now, in the future when the store is setup, are you planning on selling physical copies as well?


I would like a tapestry and a shirt please!


I would like the following: -Physical Copy of MS1 Directors Cut (INTERNATIONAL) $15 US -Towel $10 US Thanks!

Crimson Idol

For me I would like to order/reserve the following goods: 1x Towel 1x Physical Copy of MS2a (JP ONLY) For the towel it would be nice if it would be one of the first batch, but it can also be one of the second run. Do you already know, what color scheme you will use for the new ones?


As I mentioned before,one tapestry plz.And I would like to add two towels as gifts to my friends, if there is any problem with the shipping, one towel will also do.


We're not really sure. Chances of the game going over to Sekai Project is really low since they're more of a collectors item more than anything. The Steam version is always going to be up to date and always be the most optimal. If there is a large enough demand for physicals we might but we can't make any promises.


Heya. 1) Yes. Currently, we only have smalls, mediums and larges, but we should be getting some XL's soon. 2) Quite likely, but it will be a while before this happens. It depends on how fast we deplete or current run of copies, and Comic Markets happen only twice a year. Finally, thank you! You are awesome too!


If possible, 1 shirt and 1 tapestry


I would like a Tapestry and towel. I would also like a shirt but I would need an xl and idk I'd you have those?


One Tapestry Please :)


Physical Copy of MS1 Directors Cut (INTERNATIONAL) $15 US Physical Copy of MS2a (JP ONLY) $15 US Towel $10 US I'd like these three Thanks :) !


1 Shirt Please !!


Maybe a bit late, but I'd like a towel please.


I guess by INTERNATIONAL you mean the english version, right? As a original KS backer I voted for the english version, but I got the japanese nontheless. So to fill that gab I'd liketo have:


Whoa, something went wrong here, sorry! Second try. Here is my order: Physical Copy of MS1 Directors Cut (INTERNATIONAL) (if it's english) Physical Copy of MS2a (JP ONLY) B2 Tapestry


Here is my pre-order: 1x Shirt (black colour - fault logo) womens Size: XXL (p.s can i get a postcard or cover with your autograph and a message with it? related to Fault Milestone obviously)


Here is my order: Shirt $20 US Size: Small Hopefully I'm not to late, and good luck making Fault.


My order 1 T shirt Size men's L


Having just finished Milestone 2, I just want to repeat that I would love an international version physical of both game at some point as collector items. Milestone 2 made this one of my very VNs. I understand it won't be soon, just wanted to let you know there is a want.


What are the dimensions of the towel? (Also are there any first runs available still?)


I think it's supposed to be 85cm by 35cm, it's a little hard to measure because it's a towel. So basically a generous hand towel or very small normal towel. I obviously can't answer if they have any left but I'd suggest just putting your name down if you want one and I guess you'll find out.


My order: 1 towel and 1 tapestry please!


Physical Copy of MS1 Directors Cut (INTERNATIONAL) $15 US Physical Copy of MS2a (JP ONLY) $15 US Please and Thank you!


Heads up! We're gonna start sending all of these out at the end of the month. We might have to stop taking orders after that to replenish stock so order now if you want em on the first run!


My Order: 1x Towel (First Run) Thank you.


Is it too late to add a B2 Tapestry $20 US to my order if the towel and shirt can fit?


My Order: 1 B2 Tapestry


Well, I'll bring up the rear, then! Hopefully I'm not too late. One copy of MS1 DC and a shirt (size M), please!


My order: 1x Shirt (size M), 1x Towel


Any update on this?


Has a payment method been decided yet?


--- NOTICE: WE ARE OUT OF XL SHIRTS NOW. Anyone ordering shirts from this point on will have to wait or order smaller 2015/10/16 ---


My Order 1 B2 Tapestry US

Azaria Limuli

My order: 1 B2 Tapestry US