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Vibaelia class update! Our Vibaelia class patron for the past 2 months has given us permission to release their artwork to the public! Please thank Kuroshi for his/her generosity! This one has 2 characters instead of 1 because Kuroshi decided to wait for 2 months for a 2 character piece. Come to think of it, we should have just asked him/her to pay 300 a month and this could have come out on the first month... but you know. Sometimes I am dumb. 

Hope you enjoy it!




ヽ(>ω<)ノ It looks amazing! Thanks!


This looks so adorable love Koko x Mhaire pairing :D


Wow this is Awesome >w< thanks so much for sharing :D <3


Well, 300 bucks for a single artwork... It certainly ain't cheap But totally worth it, I guess.


Thanks a lot, Kuroshi! and you guys at AiD too ;)


Sweet and amazing, Thanks Kuroshi and Hare-san!


If it ever save enough for this, I would ask for a younger and normal Ritona matchup. Wonder if that would count as two or one characters. lol But very nice thanks for sharing!


You also get the big version via PM so you can print it if you wish. Also on a side note, 300 dollars barely covers 1 background art for our games. Mostly because we pay our partners fair prices and not slave labor prices like they so commonly do here in Japan. Art isn't cheap. Especially when it's good.


For these does the Vibaelia just request a character and then the artist decides how it looks or do they get to request an idea for the character and the look?


You can request a character along with a tone/mood. So generally you can set the broad direction of the piece but I'd suggest sending them a message before you pledge if you want something relatively specific.


If I wanted a young/normal combo of Ritona. Would that be 300? (I'm guessing so, but just curious)


Yes, that'll be 300 and yes, we can accommodate. The Vibaelia person right now isn't responding to our PM's so I'm not quite sure how long he/she is gonna be there for... but if you queue now I don't think there's a line. Don't quote me on that though, there is no way to check from our side.


Thanks. AiD. I'll keep it in mind, but it will take a bit to pull aside that amount. So no rush to get in line yet. But, its good I can get that combo if I want.


Woahhh.... this is amazing... Thanks Kuroshi for this!!


This is one of the best pieces of art I saw from you guys.