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Okay so holy crap.

We haven't even finished our Kickstarter Art book and we've reached our Patreon Art Book goal.. this was seriously unexpected. Hare-san has drawn us a celebratory art piece!! 

But uhh.. heres the thing. We've reached this goal so fast that if we made a Patreon Art Book right now, it would be way too unsubstantial. Like maybe 10 pages max? Including stuff thats more ad related than print material. So heres the question.

Do you guys want a rather thin book of the compilation art that we have now? We'll randomly add images from ms1 and ms2a to make it a bit more meaty if you do. Or maybe wait a few more months until this book can get a bit more substantial?  Either way is fine with us. Hare-san has also agreed to touch up a good amount of the artwork that we have released so far here at Patreon. Whether it be thin or not, what you will get will be awesome. 

In case non of the above tickles your fancy,  tell us what you want! Our Patrons here have top priority in regards to request and we will prioritize you guys first, even if your request is on the unpractical side. 




I would rather wait a few more months for a better quality and larger art book


Same. I still didn't receive my KS artbook, so why should I be rushing to get thise one?


But what about the idea to have multiple artbooks if we can keep the pledge high? In example: you can release a new artbook whenever you have enough content. I really luv the artwork of this game.


I wouldn't mind waiting a few months if that means you can release a product that you're satisfied with. :)


Don't rush it. But if you want to do a digital-only artbook that updates over time, that'd be a good option too.


I don't mind waiting as well until it's more substantial. Shirakami's ideas is not too bad either. Perhaps more than 1 artbook as time goes by and you have more and more art?


I'd rather wait and let you guys work on it until it's what you want it to be.


To slave drive, or not to slave drive? That is the question.


I was actually wondering how big the artbook will be. Please wait a little while before releasing the artbook


I, also, would personally like it to be a physical art book of maybe.... 20-30ish pages of art?

Lord English

I'm fine with waiting. I'd rather have something with more content!


As irrationally excited as I am at the prospect of the art book being available, I'd rather wait for a meatier version.


Take your time. No rushing~


I'd wait it out. Having something with a "finished" will be better :) Also congrats on the milestone goal.


Let's wait!


Wait, Wait! As the saying goes "good things to those that wait"~


I'm fine to wait it out. And I'd certainly buy the sketch book when you can put out something you're satisfied with even if it means waiting a few months.


Grats on reaching the milestone! :) I don't mind waiting for a more substantial sketchbook - I'll be happy to buy whatever you're satisfied with.


I would way rather wait for a better art book.


Patience is a virtue.


Like someone else already said, waiting until you have about 20-30 pages of content would be a good idea, like a standard doujin artbook? Also, as someone who didn't pledge for the Kickstarter, I hope the Kickstarter artbook will be sold to public too?


I'd like to wait. Just curious though, in what method is it going to be sold? Though it may be too early to ask that, sorry.


We'd have to work that system out. But it'll probably be through Sekai Project or Booth. We can also do it on a personal basis when we first start out if the numbers aren't too big. We'll have to see how things go.


WOW! es sensacional! admiro tu trabajo en serio!


I think its better if we wait... whats the point in doing it now when the series hasnt completely finished yet.. you know.. it feels like it would be a waste if we did it asap.. but it depends if people do have the patience to wait..


So it will be possible to order both the art books or only kickstarter if you kickstarted? (Sorry, I hadn't found out about the kickstarter in time)


We will always try to make the Patreon art books available so you can purchase at anytime. The kickstarter art book however, will be an extremely limited run. I think we'll we'll have 30~40 left after the initial bulk run? Anyways, after that's over, we do not plan on printing them again unless there is a huge demand but at this point in time that's very unlikely. We'll put a post up here and sell to our Patrons first so just keep an eye on our updates.


That's totally understandable! Haha, had to try. Just bummed I missed the kickstarter.