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Hey all, so just a quick update on how things are progressing - after my wife contracted COVID (she's mostly better now), I unfortunately also got it as well (I'm fine) about a week after she first tested positive. 

Because of the laws where I live, close contacts have to isolate for seven days after a positive test has been returned, so between us we've been in isolation with my toddler for almost two weeks.

Which has sucked! And has led to lower productivity. But there are two positives:

  • Lower productivity is not no productivity and by working odd hours and forgoing correspondence (apologies to those who have messaged or commented, I'll work through my backlog as soon as I can) I've mostly been able to keep on top of doing the actual boob work.
  • As of today we've met all the rules for isolation, so from tomorrow everything will be back to normal! (touch wood)

Thanks for all the well wishes, and here's to this space going back to its primary purpose - the enbiggening of boobies!



Get well soon sir!


Glad to hear that you and yours are recovering!


Glad to hear that wife is better... You get well soon too. 🙏


Glad you and your family are doing well


Good to hear things are going well. Take care!


Glad you're getting better, BE. Hang in there!


<p style="color: #008600;">Covid is terrible and just sucks and everyone knows that. I'm sorry you had to go through this. Get well soon!</p>


Covid ain't shit but a flu... I've had worse flu's!


glad to hear everyone is doing okay. Take it easy for a bit, and rest up if you can


Oh, I'm definitely glad you followed all the isolation rules and you're feeling better! You will have time to catch up with work!