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Hey everyone, hope your week is ending nicely. As some of you may recall, I started out in BE-land long ago drawing, but then took a side step into morphing, before finally moving into 3D. Some of those morphs were the first bit of content I posted on Patreon (way back in 2016!).

A patron recently pointed out that those old animated GIFs have since bugged out and have turned into stills. Rather than go through and fix the dozens of posts (back then I did a post per picture) I figured I'd just give you a link for all of them in one place, along with a bunch of my other video morphs from the old days, that aren't being hosted anywhere else (to my knowledge). You can view them individually or download them all as a zip as you see fit.

So while you wait for Cursed 2 to drop next week, why not take a nostalgia trip and enjoy!

Download Link 




Yes, I remember some of thos old Gifs and Vids. They are still an amazing view and some of them would be an fantastic inspiration for upcoming animations.


do you ever consider doing more morphs and such in the future? it could be a great break from animation once in awhile.


It is for me too, some of the earliest ones here date back to 2005.


I have given it some thought, and my primary response is "not for Patreon". Aside from these ones (which were mostly made during the tumblr days) the problem with morphs is that they always rely on content that isn't your property. With everything I do here, I'm trying to be 'legit'. Avoiding copyrighted songs, sfx and vision etc. So morphs, while enjoyable and can be argued on the basis of 'fair use' still break that mentality.