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  • Cursed 2 Short Tease.mp4



UPDATE: Hey all, firstly thanks for all the well wishes to my wife, she was blown away by the kindness of the community. Sadly the inevitable has happened and I'm now infected as well (which means an extra week of isolation with my toddler). 

I'll do everything I can to meet deadline but in a worst case scenario, I'll get the list of patrons in March and send it out when it's ready. I don't expect it to come to that but just a heads up.


Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the forest! Just popping in with a quick tease for Cursed Ep 2, which will be this month's primary reward. As you can tell the story picks up right after Ep 1, and will involve more sexy transformation goodness.

Download attached is attached below.

Just flagging ahead of time that I may not be on the comms as much as I'd like for a little while, as my wife has contracted COVID (bad cold level, so could be worse). So our entire household is in isolation, and when you have a 3 year old at home, it makes animating boobies hard.

I'm currently still planning to get everything done in time, but if I get the 'rona too (which is seeming likely at this point, given the tickle in my throat) it'll mean even greater disruption and I'll have to take it as it comes.


Cursed 2 Short Tease



Hope the Mrs has a swift and healthy recovery


I wish your wife fast recovery and your and your complete family the best.


Praying your wife has a hasty recovery.


Here's a fast and full recovery. Take the time you need-- we'll be here.

Deandre Day

Please take your time we don't want you to get sick or worse also you still have a game to finish so just take it easy good luck.

The Joker

Cursed I give me the incentive to sign up for Patreon. Wishful Thinking sealed the deal. Hoping for the family to have a quick and speedy recovery.


May your wife recover as fast as possible ! Health comes first. Whether you've got time to post content or not, we support you :) Lovely animations and voice acting btw as usual !


Hope Everything turns out OK with you and yours


Hi. I hope you and your family are doing well! What matters most is that you all get better soon! Stay safe! :)


Hope you pull through!