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Hey all, hope your week is ending smoothly.

I have now finished my first week of working with Blender, and it has culminated in my very first purely dynamic boob BE! And on an imported Trish model to boot.

Normally when doing BE I use keyframes that vary the topography of the model. This is very controllable and effective, but lacks some of the unpredictability that a simulation can bring. Before, every jiggle and bounce was hand made, but now I have successfully tested a method that uses pure physics with internal pressure and weight. I still need some practice in it to get it looking just right, but for a week's learning I feel like the outcome is pretty good.

Come Monday it's time to shift over and start converting The Pill's endings.


Trish Blender



Looking good! Crazy fast progress too it seems, well done!

Deandre Day

Great looking forward to seeing one of the endings once it's finished or once it is fully animated question is which one are you going to start on first?


Oh yeah these models look way better than the Daz ones

John Doe

Wow, looks awesome. Nice work.


Blender work looks awesome! I'll wait to see more of it. (PS Belle's my favorite with Adara a close second)


The wind up is a little static but the model quality, texturing, animation and lighting is fantastic. Really great work.


Thanks Jake, I have been happy with the speed at which I've been able to learn blender, as it has always been something I looked into and bounced off thinking it too steep a learning curve. Luckily this week I had an 'aha!' moment and things started to click.


With the endings I'm starting with Belle's chapter. Got her endings open now and am converting them into voice & visual scripts.


I do like how this new renderer does eyes in particular. It's still strange seeing the girl's like it though, it's like same same but different.


There'll definitely be more, it is much nicer to animate in than Daz, so I'll be exploring it as much as I can.


Thanks magoo, the animation in this one (aside from the dynamics) was thrown together in less than an hour, so very much looking forward to future possibilities.

Mrs. Phattits

That looks great! Trish is my favorite!

Deandre Day

I know the character Is Bell I'm just curious which one of her endings are you going to do first there are so many choices like the one where she takes a pill then turns back to normal and then slip them in your food or the one where she take nothing but butt pills for breakfast until she becomes the Ass queen of the cosmos so many choices.


In truth I haven't decided yet. Once the endings are converted I'll look over the scripts and decide which one will make a good first impression. Likely though, it'll be one of the B.E. ones.


This is incredible! The future is bright!


You do incredible work! To know that you handmade all them jiggles and bounces makes everything you do even more impressive!


what is the passwords for the older videos?