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LG 2020-2022 OLEDs Owners: Are you using/liking AI Processing?

  • AI Picture Pro 4
  • AI Brightness (for SDR/HDR) 7
  • AI Brigthness (for DV IQ + Precision Detail) 19
  • AI Auto Genre Selection 2
  • AI Sound Pro 13
  • I just turn all AI settings OFF 54
  • 2023-01-13
  • 99 votes
{'title': 'LG 2020-2022 OLEDs Owners: Are you using/liking AI Processing?', 'choices': [{'text': 'AI Picture Pro', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'AI Brightness (for SDR/HDR)', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'AI Brigthness (for DV IQ + Precision Detail)', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'AI Auto Genre Selection', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'AI Sound Pro', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'I just turn all AI settings OFF', 'votes': 54}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 13, 22, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 99}


What do you think about "AI Picture Pro", "AI Picture Brightness" and "AI Auto Genre Selection"?  From what I've seen so far:

  • AI Picture Pro: it only works for unprotected content (as Blu-Ray, personal media, Cable TV) but not on protected one (Netflix/Prime webOS app). It can be applied also on top of properly setup Filmmaker presets and the processing to the image is slight but it seems altering/increasing the contrast between background and foreground elements (for a more "3D" look), increases some highlights without altering black levels (but desaturating face colors a bit) and it also seems having a better sub-4K upscaler/reconstruction than default upscale or regular Super Resolution. Still undecided if it's best to always leave it ON or not - NOT AVAILABLE IN PC/GAME MODE (but can be changed via ColorControl, increasing input lag);
  • AI Picture Brightness: it will use the ambient light sensor to increase the shadow detail/gamma of the image without switching between "Dark/Bright" presets. On Dolby Vision Cinema Home preset it will also enable DV IQ which on top of that will also further change highlights, contrasts and black levels based on the luminance in the room + works in tandem with the new DV Precision Detail (both of which seem good to have for better shadow detail and highlights in all room conditions). Not sure yet if this is good also for SDR/HDR tho;
  • AI Auto Genre Selection: also exclusive to unprotected contents. It seems to dynamically change Color saturation and TruMotion presets based on contents - NOT AVAILABLE IN PC/GAME MODE (but can be changed via ColorControl, increasing input lag). It seems to help most Cable TV but not much for higher-quality sources.

There's also "AI Sound Pro" which usually improves internal speaker sound, but can be turned OFF for external speakers as well.

So, considering I'm still undecided...

...what are YOU actually using/liking between all of them (and why)?

Let us know by voting and leaving your comment below! :)

(Multiple Choices are permitted)



AI sound is great—haven't personally noticed the audio delay Evan referred to and hope that I don't now that I'm aware of such a thing. All that AI stuff stays off—I don't want the picture adapting to content. I suppose the exceptions would be DTM and Color Upgrade (both would technically count as AI); the former is always on and the latter I like because it reminds me of Live Color on the X930e.


Well, I mostly use my C1 for gaming, so I have your recommended settings running, Paolo. You never let me down with the HDR configurations. God bless you for this. I learned a lot from you, mate.