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Whoof! That was a hell of a last stretch! I think I said before that this rewrite added around 30k new words. Well, I counted wrong! It's close to 55k! I knew the document looked way too long for just 30k. 😄 In any case, I loved to go over everything. There's a particular scene I really, really liked when I read it the second time. I wonder if you'll think the same.

I adore how the chapter turned out. Adore it. T_T This one is mostly conversation, a kind of calm in the eye of the storm because from here on out, the story picks up in pace until the ball — which is fast approaching. You only have a day and a half, after all.

Mist also became, with this new material, a character I'm coming to like a lot xD. Sometimes, when he's speaking, even I don't know if he's lying, omitting, or being completely transparent. What a fun little mind to play with.

The complete chapter has, thus, 112k words. And here I thought this one was supposed to be small.

I'm sorry for not writing a Progress Report on Friday! I was so close to finishing then, that I didn't want to write an "almost there!" report. But here it is now. I'll be uploading the new link on the 27th of October. This is because I want a couple of people to go over the material first — there are three or four points that I really need some feedback on, and I want to leave time for them to read the update and time for me to change or edit things depending on what they say. I'm a bit insecure with these choices, so I need this extra step before I put it on Patreon.😊

In the meantime, I'll be writing Chapter Three!!!!!!!! Finally😭 My pretty notebook has waited enough, and so have I.

Besides that, I'll also write this month's Patreon content — I admit, I've been so focused on coding that I haven't started yet! But worry not, I'll post everything; it may only be slightly later than other months. The artist for my commission also said they should be finished before the end of October, so I'm excited!!!!

I'll be taking a couple of days off writing, however, just to recharge a bit. Probably until the end of this week, so I won't be posting a Progress Report this Friday either — but next week, it's business as usual.

I hope you are all doing well. I got amazing news yesterday, my new laptop is heaven to work with, and the weather finally, finally is starting to cool down.

Have a great week, darlings. 🌹


Laura G

That's awesome!!! Congrats!!

Nessy Lovegood

Omg I just realized that said 27/10!! That's 2 days before my birthday!! My birthday is on the 29th of this month. Ahhhh what a great bday present!! Tysm my friend!!! Hehe