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Lance 😳


Mist puts his elbows on the desk and alternatively looks between you, Hadrian, and Alessa. "If you tell me the nature of your agreement and report any future dealings with the Captain, you can choose between three rewards. Gold, a weapon... information. And are you to find yourself in deeper waters than you expected — if this deal brings you hardship — I will vow to help you out of it. Or, at least, to tip the scale back in your favor."

*if you flirted with Lance before

"You would have the backing of the organization," Lance expands, his voice lowering to an almost seductive tone. "My backing as well."

*if you haven't

"You would have the backing of the organization," Lance expands. "Nothing to scoff at."

Hadrian crosses his arms over his chest and takes a moment to consider. "I think... I think you should do it, ${Name}. Not because of a reward but to have a safety net against that Captain. She, uh. I don't like her."

Mist zero-ins on him. "So, you accept?"

"'Tis not for him to accept," Alessa says and steps closer so she can whisper at you. "${Name}, do not grant him further leverage on us. I dislike that Captain, but she has dealt a hand for us to play, not Mist."

Everyone has an opinion, but this is your decision to make.


1) You take a leap of faith. "It's a deal."

2) You're entangled in enough threads. You don't need another one. "No. My dealings with the Captain are mine and mine alone."

*3) "I told you," you state. "The answer is no."


This is the last Sneak Peek/Lingering Glance about the meeting with Mist, I swear! I just liked this little dialogue and wanted to show it, especially since getting this scene is a bit harder than getting the alternative. 😊





Lol Lance, playing dirty. How is a Romanus supposed to say no to that?