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Hello, Patrons!

Apologies for the delayed update: I've been on a short holiday, catching up with family I hadn't really seen in two years. 

This proved wonderful, stressful and exhausting in equal measures.  I'd thought there would be plenty of time for writing during the short holiday, but that proved wishful thinking.  A few moments here and there, but between catching up with family, jetlag, and work, I didn't find nearly as much time to write as I'd hoped.

In fact, I'm at a bit of a block at the moment.  Two thousand words into the next chapter, but I'm not really happy with it, and wondering whether it'll all end up being cut in the end - I've restarted, but hope to salvage some of it.  I remember this happening with the first season of Constant, way back when: I ended up collapsing two chapters into one a rewriting a lot of it.  

On the other hand, I've taken some time to go back and re-read and edit and work on some of the earlier chapters, fixing the continuity errors that've slipped in over the years, and improve some of the bits along the way.  I'm also trying to flesh out the world of Constant a little bit.  The near-future setting just sort of exists in the background, but when I first started writing this story, I didn't really give much thought to world-building.  At the same time, it was nearly 15 years ago when I started the 1st chapter; smartphone were only just really starting to become ubiquitous, and so much of what has quickly become common in western life wasn't really established yet.  So, I'm trying to work in the occasional reference to these things along the way, just to better flesh out the world.  I wouldn't expect characters to say much about these things--they simply take them for granted--but hopefully it makes the world of the story that little bit more convincing for the reader.

Any suggestions for the kind of tech or innovation you think would be common ten, twenty years from now, that should be in the story - let me know!  In the meantime, I'll just keep working away at the next chapter...


Dan T

Ditto. It wasn't a firehose of content that made me a fan/supporter of your writing. An update like this, hearing that you're working toward a product you'll be happy with while also slipping some self-care into the schedule, is satisfying in itself. Surely there's some near-future biotech idea that would be easy to mention? It fits well with our hero's experiences and, apparently, one of the industries that Steele is in. And there's so much research/money in medical and pharma. Maybe it could even be as peripheral as a passing mention of some recreational drug making its way through the hip young adult scene. I'm not known for my creativity, so take whatever inspiration you will.


Videoconferencing (Zoom, etc). The proliferation of things that could be spy gadgets—GPS trackers such as AirTags, smartphones, facial recognition and fingerprint identification on phones and elsewhere (would that require some modification of David’s fingerprints?).

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

Hey, apologies for never replying to this. Useful suggestions - some of these (facial recognition, machine learning) I've plotted in for this or the next chapter, hopefully in an interesting way. INspired in part by a shopping scene in Version COntrol by Dexter Palmer - a great sci-fi, time-traveling read, if you're into that kind of thing.