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Hello everyone - another update on Constant in All Other Things.  I can't deny a little disappointment at how chapter 5 seems to have been received: only a few comments, and far fewer views (as far as I can track - Big Closet tracks hit data, Fictionmania doesn't seem to) than the previous chapter.  Then again, Big Closet went down right as I posted, and by the time it came back up, the chapter had already slipped pretty far down the front page.

In any case, I continue to make headway into the second half of the chapter, which concerns the consequences of earning Julia's silence, and a visit to the Asklepios clinic.  A little over 1000 words into it - there's been some real-world demands getting in the way of daily writing this week.

I've also been thinking: though I've got the broad strokes of the story mapped out to its end, the actual road to the conclusion isn't definitive.  As patrons, is there anything you'd like to see happen in the story?  No promises, of course - just curious what readers' expectations might be. 



Don't lose heart please. Your work is high quality writing and quality will always attract notice and I'd wager the high view counts of previous chapters owe a lot to repeat readers. (I know for a fact I've returned to re read your story many times over the years on both Big Closet and Fictionmania.) And as far as suggestions go, I'm not willing to interfere with your process. You're doing great without it.

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

Thanks for the kind words, and progress continues, albeit at a slower pace this week due to real world demands. DanT: and no worries, I've always intended to return to that moment, relatively unchanged.