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Hello all!  It's been a while, so I thought a progress update might be a good idea.  It's been slow going; before Easter I'd managed to work my way into a really good routine, a solid 30min to an hour of writing every day, generally after work.  Then the holiday knocked me out of that routine, and work's been pretty full-on since, and disciplining myself back into writing had been tricky. 

Fortunately, I think I'm finally there again.  Progress on the current chapter has been... slow, but just hit 4k today and is finally moving at a slightly more brisk pace.  Part of the problem was also the nature of the current chapter.  Following the, ah, decade-long break in writing, I returned with an almost crystal clear idea of what I wanted to write, and chapter 4 emerged relatively quickly, as did the first half of chapter 5. 

The current chapter is more difficult - transitional - as it shifts into the next stage of the protagonist's life in disguise.  It's been tricky trying to find the correct balance between overloading with details and inner monologue, and simply keeping the story moving along.

Anyway, I think I've got something going now, a sequence of flashbacks as David travels to an important location--a sort of simple metaphor for the distance he's covered under Julia's tutelage.  I've currently got him out on a date with a colleague.

If I can maintain the current pace, I hope to have the chapter done within the month.




Can't wait!!


So far, so wonderful :)