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Sup Jerks! 

We're back with another episode of The Legend of Korra & it is SUPER fun to see Korra kicking it with our fave Blind, Earth-Bending Pisspot! 

We got Toph being a Swampy 3-Eyed Raven with her seeing 'everything' around the world, but we think there will be some more to come from her! 

Kuvira makes her play to the people as the ruler of the Earth Kingdom and like almost all of Korra's foes, we can understand their anger and plight but we can't condone their trip on Fascism lane! 

We're a lil over the Mako sidelining with Wu, but we'll be fine! 

Follow this password-protected link to hang! 


Password: PlatapusBearPoop

Thanks again to everyone! We got some super fun stuff coming down the pipe! Stranger Things later today, some Shitty Movies rolling through, and more Manly Movie Mondays are going Predator crazy with a reaction to Predator 2 and the new PREY dropping early August! 


The Watchers in the Bar




I don't really think Korra did any dark shit, sure she went through a lot of dark moments but she never really did anything dark.


Funnily enough the feeling of korra not having a place in the world is for the same reason the air nomads feel like the only ones in a good spot. Since they took over the role the avatar usually has.


you guys probably already saw the whole series so i will say for any possibly smooching related content go ahead and read the comics. they are a sequel to the korra series and they are pretty good.

Lorenzo Baxter

Varrick mentioned that Kuvira made President Raiko pardon him of trying to kidnap him. Varrick isn't THAT bad, just some conspiracy here and there, profiting off of war. No biggie 😅 I love that Dustin is finally interested in Korras journey 🙌 Yeah its grim now and my girl has given so much for the world, and my god she's paid some prices as well. I know the bleak thing can get to be too much if they don't have direction for it, but I also like that they portray being lost in life so well. Cause in life, there really is no linear way of living. Life is a bunch of squiggly lines, going in every direction. So it can be hard to condense that complexity of trauma and try to make it linear for TV. Also Nickelodeon fucked over the creators one more time this season. They cut their budget in the middle of production, leaving them with an ultimatum of firing some staff members, or making do with what they are left with to make..... a certain episode that you'll see. I won't spoil it but don't be shocked when you get there. Nick had their balls in a vise again this season.


- Every reactor I've seen has thought they were suddenly in Ba Sing Sa in this episode, but they did say they were going to the "Little Ba Sing Sa Shopping Mall". It's basically Little China inside Republic City. The actual throne room was massive and you couldn't see the outside from the doorway.


That's the thing about Patreon though, there's a really good chance they haven't seen much further if any further at all.


lol guys if you're gonna be ACAB then you also have to be prison abolitionist, those go hand in hand 🤦‍♂️


yeah whos gonna put people in prison if not police?


i think when they started this they said they were a season ahead even of patreon so we could safely discuss everything.

The Quadfather

I fell off this show after season 1 a while back. Is it worth it to push through and watch the rest?

Jenny D

So the show actually started airing exclusively on the garbage Nickelodeon website around the time the Earth Queen was murdered. I can’t remember if it was that episode or the one after. But considering back when this aired in 2014 there were no LGBTQ+ main characters in western cartoons, if the show wanted to have a kiss between Korra and Asami that probably would have been enough to relegate them to online only. But I think it would’ve only been season 4 if that were the case.

Jenny D

Yes! Season 3 is incredible, and Season 4 is really good too! Season 2…exists, but there are a pair of AMAZING episodes that season!

Jenny D

Su has known Kuvira since she was a kid, I think like 9-years-old iirc. So no, definitely nothing happened there.


You guys gotta let go of that hope of seeing the old gang being on the forefront of the action, it's cool to see them make cameos or give a little lore about what they did after their series but the show is not about them so I wouldn't expect them to be there completely with the main new cast.

Patrick Boyda

I mean Kuvira IS the bad guy but where do these nations of hereditary monarchs and Suyin get off calling her a dictator as if they aren't. Like Raiko sucks but at least he was elected.

Adam Vialpando

Suyin probably pisses me off most out of all the good characters. I won't go into it now but I hate her self-righteous hypocrisy.

Adam Vialpando

Is it weird that I actually like Predator 2?