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Well Hell's Bells Patrons! 

Turns out we like all good Gator Gurl Cart Titans we're celebrating CHRISTMAS in JULY with a lil' gift for y'all! 

We're rocking S4E5 AND S4E6 as special lil' round up HOLY HELLFIRE this show is getting crazier by the fucking minute! 

First, we got Episode 5! Insane sit-downs with Eren and Reiner! Emotional breakdowns! This bug-nut crazy plan revealing itself! Just so wild, but we don't trust this plan! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


And next is this GODDAMN JUGGERNAUT OF an S4E6! 

You better believe we are celebrating the emergence of the HAMMER TITAN by bringing in one of our MVPs, the incomparable EMIL will be joining us intermittingly throughout Season 4 ! AND HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT AN EPISODE! So insane! 

Follow this link to hang! 


We love love love you all! Thanks so much for helping out with the channel! We got some more rad af stuff coming down the pipe! 


The Watchers in the Bar 



The Quadfather

Nice! I’m glad we’re getting double drops from now on. Can’t wait till you finish the series. Are you going to react to Jujutsu Kaisen? It’s super funny.

Reese Filer

Thank y’all so much for double drop

Lijnaito2021 !

Lmao I kept laughing when y'all said this was Armins plan 😂

Lijnaito2021 !

Does Emil do anime reactions I'd love to see his reaction to some epic animes he's got such an awesome personality!


Ayo kick ass double drop thanks! the surprise of \omg reiner and eren\ was so good i don't think ya'll would of been as surprised if u'd seen the end credit scene u would of just known like the rest of us


I spy... a bolo tie :)


And so it begins.

april 🍏

Episode 6 is so hype, especially when the Scouts show up.


did you guys gonna watch the end credit scene from ep 4?

Alexander A

I think they missed it, that’s why they double dropped both 4 and 5 together because otherwise the whole conversation for 4 would be without them knowing that last scene. So when they started watching Episode 5 it opened with Reiner already talking to Eren


Such a genius move to double drop the episodes like that on YouTube guys. Saved your self a lot of annoying grief hopefully


Abe concocted that one. A really slick move and it seemed to have helped. Cause if we had ended on 4x4 missing the post-ep, it would be the ONLY thing people would be talking about


the only one we missed. Lol. the basically play the scene nearly in full at the opening of 4x5 so its not big


God if that happened there would be people watching the video years from now still letting you know about the post credit lol