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Hey hey everyone,


We're here and there's a lot of bittersweet emotions with this one, but all of them swirling around the dirtiest of minds and fullest of hearts. 

It's hard to put into words the serendipitous force of nature that was ATLA and YOU GUYS have been in our lives through 2020 and 2021. 

Us being in the bar industry, our livelihoods were completely wiped out in large part to pandemic and we turned to y'all with a poll as to what we should react to and it was a precious 35 or so of y'all OGs that put ATLA over the top and into our lives!

We cannot begin to express how much this entire experience has meant to us in a literal survival-of-this-pandemic-sense and how fulfilling it has been to share with you all! 

But before we sign off we just want you guys to remember.... 


As a token of our gratitude we wanted to remind yall, that WE ARE NOT DONE EXPLORING THIS WORLD so we decided to fire it up! 

After the feels have worn off, check out our full and uncut reaction to S1E1 of The Legend of Korra right here! 


And all of the additional roll out info will be in that post! We got livestreams for yall coming up on July 5th and bunch of other stuff! 

So, without further fanfare.... 

Follow the password-protected link to hang! 


Password: YipYipMyFriends

This one has it all and we're so excited for you guys to see it! 

From the bottom of our hearts, his entire experience has been our privilege. 

Thank you again friends. 


Sean, Dustin and Morgan



Calvin Delaney

Before i watch, i want to thank you all for the consistent Awesomeness that this has given me every week. I feel so grateful for all the fun commentary and now great memories. Can't wait for Korra but it is sad that this is the last of this series. Much love guys! Here we go!


Wow totally forgot that this was happening tonight (not used to Saturday uploads)! Made my day a little bit brighter! Thanks! :)

Neil Prospect

There's a saying in the fandom: "Be the person Uncle Iroh knows you can be"


Loved this entire finale, really amazing 4 episodes. A lot of people complained about how Katara should’ve used bloodbending on Azula, but I honestly like what the writers did better because it stayed more true to her character and still made perfect sense. Also just so you know, Aang is 12 and Katara is 14 at the time of the series, since you seem to have not been sure by the end lol


Thank you so much Sean, Dustin and Morgan! Being with you guys for your avatar journey gave me so much happiness and much needed laughs during this god awful time. Being able to look forward to your weekly reactions really kept me going...I'm super excited for all the content we'll see in the future, but this avatar journey will always have a special place in my heart <3


its so sad to finally see this, at least the atla reactions, come to an end :( you guys really brought me a lot of joy with this. getting to relive the experience all over again with this lil community. we still have korra thankfully but this was something truly special. thank you sean, and morgan and dustin, for all the memories and cool stuff!


"Tales of Ba Sing Se" aired on YouTube the same day as the Jan 8th interaction. I really appreciated that I had this ep to watch. Thank you 😊


When I found yall thanks to cobra kai I had no idea yall were also doing avatar so that was a pleasant surprise, and when I saw yall were gonna be watching Legend of Korra I knew I'd be with yall for the long haul.


Loved spending this journey with y’all and it’s super bittersweet that it’s ending. It’s been a wild ride and a pleasure to watch y’all enjoy one of the best shows ever! With much love, see y’all soon!!


You should definitely read react to the comics

John Cedar

Ozai: I am the phoenix...king... Morgan: *unaccredited I lost it


This was terrific. So many things to love about this ending. I did notice some small things watching this reaction tho, such as that blue light that shoots toward the sky when Aang takes ozai’s bending away is the exact same blue light that appeared when katana found Aang which let Zuko know where to look for him. Furthermore, the song that Iroh is playing at the end is the “Four seasons for love” song he was singing in the first episode. I really like that even though Katara could have used blood bending she chose not to just like Aang chose not to kill ozai. I feel like this ending is a metaphor for having the power to do something but choosing not to. This is where ozai and Azula failed, because their entire life they abused their power to get what they wanted which is ultimately led to their downfall.

John Cedar

Also, Ty Lee joining the Kyoshi warriors is excellent character development because her conflict in the beach was about being "part of a matched set", or looking exactly like several other people. You could say something similar about the Kyoshi warriors, that they are sort of like a matched set, and yet she feels at home with them because she realizes how she is different and what she brought to the team, and that people are not necessarily the same just because they look the same.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! I was all touched and emotional with the intro. I was into the watch along and digging on your guys reaction and comments. I was basking in the afterglow and closing remarks. And then some m0^$3r&u$!er said Aang was LAME?!?! WTF!? Aang most assuredly is NOT lame. The man (boy) has principles and sticks to them. He's fun. Funny. He had a ton more personality than Luke Skywalker. Just because he isn't edgy or the "bad boy" does not mean he's lame. I object. Now, I'm angry and I'm going to go watch your Korra video. Good day, sir. I SAID good day!


Loved the videos guys. After watching through the first two seasons of your reactions in like a week I knew I needed to sub to show support. ATLA is a special show - it just does everything so damn well and glad I got to see others enjoy it as well. Also you guys are pretty cool, so there's that lol. Good to watch people on YouTube that enjoy being themselves - is a small window between actually having stuff to say but not buying obnoxious YouTubers that makes your guts channel great loool anyway love from uk


To Sean, Dustin and Morgan, I just want to thank you guys for such an awesome experience. I first came across your channel watching GOT reactions and loved them, so seeing you guys watching my favorite show of all time, ever since I was a kid, it was a no brainer that I was going to tune in. This show was one of the few things that I looked forward to as a kid, it helped me get through some of the darkest times I've ever experienced, struggling with my queer identity in a very, very, VERY old school middle eastern household....and for 30 minutes a day, this show pulled me out of that struggle completely. When Morgan said, "when we sit down right here to do this, I feel like I'm in my bubble, and I'm happy," really resonated with me, because I have been there. I'm glad that this show and all of us here have given you something to smile about and look forward to, because that's what you guys have constantly given us :] Your guys' reactions to this show have been BY FAR the best of any I've seen. It's almost like seeing my own adult thoughts and perspectives on this show put on screen haha. Thank you guys for treating this show with the respect, admiration, and love that it deserves....seriously, thank you thank you thank you. You guys have gained a life-long fan, supporter, patron and friend in me. ONTO KORRA! -Louie

Aidan Pullen

This is my favorite show of all time, I've seen it more times than I can count. It's been a fuckin joy watching it and experiencing it with yall. So happy you're doing Korra as well! Yes, there are people who don't like it, and that's fine. I actually have enjoyed listening to a few video essays talking about why they don't like it. A youtuber named Kleitos made a video about it. It's not a 100% flawless show, but goddamn, it will never not be my favorite.


I want to say thank you too. I don't really have that close friends that I watch my favourite films, series, or games with. My family is turbulent and everyone is uninterested in Avatar. My mother literally fell asleep during the first few minutes of the first episode. I have been craving some fresh eyes on the series (I purchased the boxset DVDs as a 16-year-old and literally kept it running on repeat on my fat pixelated TV), I used to keep it on as I slept. Now, it is pretty stale for me, but you guys have rebirthed this series for me, especially during this hard time as the lockdown was lonely and loved ones passed away. Thanks, guys, hope the best!


Big shout out to you Sean Morgan and Dustin and thank you for these reactions. I think what was so rewarding about this is that you stuck with the show and genuinely liked it from the get-go. Seeing you become fans of ATLA really brought me back to when I discovered it...the feeling was mutual and familiar. Can't wait for The Legend of Korra reactions and more laughs! Yip yip mf'ers!


Love you guys! Thanks for reacting to this special show and making Wednesdays so much better!


Yeah that was not lost on us. Sometimes Through old comforts of works of art are the best way to at least equalize yourself when something crazy is happening I know it can be the same for us.

Bergs Art

Damn, it's been almost a year sinc your first reactions to atla. Your kinda like following the show in real time since it was a year in the story. Thank you for the reactions, and I appreciate you taking time to discuss it before and afterwards. You guys are great!


Thank you so much Louie. That truly means the world. An especially great work can consistently offer its wisdom and reprise to you multiple time and as you become older, wiser and more your true self. We are so lucky to have you my friend! Cheers and ON TO KORRA!!


Thanks for making me cry in your intro --- so many things about this show just hit. It continues to be probably in my top 3 favorite shows of all time. In terms of the music in this ep, I found it so interesting that they chose sad music for the agni kai (I was convinced Zuko was gonna die) and then my friend who I was watching the finale with was like "it's sad because she's crazy." lol I also remember our other friend who was an RA (resident assistant) on campus kept calling us during commercial breaks and freaking out like " OMG did you see that>" etc. This show treats it's audience with respect no matter the age. Absolutely adored reliving the experience with you guys and I'm glad it helped you during the disaster that was 2020


I would agree that Aang is better than Luke, I was pretty bought into him and Katara, but I def know some people that arent. The Drases like some badboys through and through!


Katara can't blood bend without the aid of a full moon.

Jai Nelson

Fuck guys…that was great. I would just echo what you said. It has been so fun watching along with you all. This year was fucking hard, and drinking and porn wasn’t enough to keep me sane lol. You need the “hang out with friends” feel, and you guys gave that to me this past year. Such a fun, and yes consistent, show that I was excited to re-live with you guys, but really had no idea how much fun it would actually be. Much love guys. Yip yip..❤️


Only people I know that dont like avatar are people who have never gave it a chance or didnt go past the first 7ep.

3rd Eye Phreak

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I wish I could reflect back all the Love you’ve given us over this whole journey with words… but they just don’t do justice. You all have been amazing, ESPECIALLY the fucked up sex jokes! That’s something unique only ya’ll could bring to the table lol. Avatar is really something special, and I’m so happy you guys “got it.” Your love and appreciation for the show will only increase with time, I guarantee it. :)


Dustin's boner joke was funny, but they do wear underwear! Katara, Aang, and Sokka have all been shown in "under clothes" when they hang out near water. They do wear underwear Sean!

Isis Peoples

I haven't even got into the reaction and yall gone make me cry!!!! We love you. I love you. I'm glad ATLA and our community could be there for you in this insanity 🤎I'm happy to have every Wednesday with yall. It makes my hump day without fail! I'm proud to be a pateron member! I've watched alot of atla reactions and you guys have been my favorite since Normies and that's on period 💯👌🏾 I hate this is the finale but I cherish this past year


Been here since ep 1 and what a ride its been. You guys are great at what you do. You mentioned in the intro that you could never put into words your appreciation for us being here and watching your content but remember for alot of us it's the same for us. Whenever we've had a bad day and are feeling low, we watch you guys stuff and we feel great again x keep doing what you're doing x

Isis Peoples

I cried. I've seen this finale a million times I don't cry, but yall did it. I'm crying. "And now we're friends!"


i don't know people that have seen this show and don't love it. But i do know someone that hasn't and doesn't wanna get into it. I don't wanna push her too hard cuz like, in the end it's her choice, i've told her how great it is and if she's still not interested, then that's it for now lol. but yeah anyone who's actually seen it fucking loves it.

Isis Peoples

i was RUSHING HOME!!!!! lol i knew! but it beyond made my day as well!!

Isis Peoples

i think you summed it up best. i keep trying to get my best friend on and she keeps saying "i didnt like ep 1+2" it makes me so annoyed


I don't think there was a full moon either... from what I could see lol.

Tall Geeky & Cool

My favorite bit of this last episode was once Aang was in Avatar state, one of the most powerful fire benders on the planet, and super-powered by the comet got literally 0 hits on Avatar Aang. It shows why they handicapped Aang from the end of Season 2 because it would have been too easy for Aang and company to win. Edit: My dad is going into surgery next week, so I looked forward to this as a distraction. Then that opening before the show properly starts, and I swear someone is cutting onions in this room.




Ugh my heart goes out to Sean, Morgan, and Dustin! Fucking love the reactions and really felt like watching my favorite show with my friends! Sobbinggggg, but I'll leave y'all with this "You sound like my nephew. Always thinking you need to do things on your own without anyone's support. There is NOTHING wrong with letting people who LOVE you HELP you." - Uncle Iroh S2E8 See y'all in Korra! lol and reviews on the comics! Also, look on youtube for the OG Airbender pilot episode! It's an interesting watch...


Damn, haven't started the reaction yet, but what a sweet opening. Covid was the first time I watched reactions at all, and it was all ATLA reactions lol (you guys are the first time I paid for a reaction channel btw, and it's well worth it) and it was a fun new world to get into that really eased the relentless covid emptiness. So these were really a glimmer through the covid times for me too, and I gotta thank you guys for the great content. You guys were awesome. I think the quote Morgan was looking for was the “There’s nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you” and that’s probably one of the best things to take from this show. 
 And I know the ATLA fandom, me included, is certifiably insane and brimming with passion for the show lool but you guys went with the flow, and it was great to see the show from a new and fresh perspective, and you guys def delivered on the riffing and more lmao. Glad you guys had fun with this, it’s been a blast to watch you witness the show for the first time. ❤️


I appreciate you guys just as much. Rewatching this with you three has been one of the bright spots of the last year for me, too.

Adam Vialpando

Only one of the writers said he was interested in a season 4. The two original creators always intended just 3 seasons and I am glad they stuck with that. Some of the best shows and stories are ones that start knowing they have an ending. Aang's decision reminds me of Rorschach from Watchmen. When he says 'No compromise. Not even in the face of armageddon.' I was originally against him. But now I understand him. If in order to save the world you need to sacrifice the heart of it, is it truly worth it? It is so tempting to take the easy choice, especially when times are tough. But the right choice is almost never easy. Compromising is great since it is a sign of maturity, but there must be a core part of you that you are unwilling to compromise. Some part of you that will never be bent. Aang could have just killed Ozai. But how could he look his children in the eyes and say to them that all life is sacred and should be protected? How could he look at himself in the mirror?


So I think I've got a unicorn case... My mother who is 68 and has always been a hardcore hippie environmentalist, loves the idea of magic and wonder, Is really into protecting and respecting Mother Earth and spirituality and transcendental meditation and what not...outright REFUSES TO GIVE THIS SHOW A CHANCE...just because she hates the animation style. Insanity!!! 😭 Anyway, not the best with words right now but wanna say welcome to the cult of Avatar and you guys have made every Wednesday for the past year bearable! The show is one of the defining parts of my childhood and it's always a blast seeing more people get to experience and fall in love with it so thank you for letting us take this journey all over again with the 3 of you! 🥰 Btw, I rarely get to travel but I hope one day I can journey to the Burlington like a better version of Bran going north. Thank you guys for just being you and being awesome and being open to enjoy this series.😁


Fucking masterpiece finale. I love Aang’s solo spiritual journeys every finale, and this one really had the epic, grand feel we needed to close this show out. I feel like I got everything I wanted out of it. Love that we get to see Aang go full Avatar, harnessing all the energy and jazz and whatever, and like be a fucking planet?? But that we also get to see him beat Ozai as himself and using his own particular skills, like the seismic earth senses. And that he sorta defeats the ghost of the avatar state, which has haunted him for so long with what he’s done in it, and this is the first time he overcomes it and isn’t overwhelmed by his own role, which is beautiful. Also love that energy-bending battle for the same reason! I’m not a fan of reading it in that evil vs good dynamic (am especially thankful the creators aren’t consistent with how they use the blue/red colors in that regard) and prefer taking that scene more literally as a battle between spirits. And I love that Ozai was so close to overpowering him—it just makes sense cos the dude’s will is fucking next to unshakeable. I think Aang’s waffling in general is partially what gives him an initial disadvantage, but it’s almost a trick in how it hides his true strength. I think the consensus is that Aang sticking to his beliefs about not killing Ozai is what enables him to win that light show, and I also like to theorize that that moment when Aang directs the lightning away from Ozai is like that blue eye-light moment—sorta a spark that reveals the true strength of his character. I’m such a fucking nerd about this show, I can’t even believe what I’m writing tbh. Anyway just every character gets a beautiful ending. Iroh using the comet energy to show the most fucking restraint and precision is perfect, and that his last war effort is undoing his crimes and taking back Ba Sing Se is chefs kiss. Even Mai expressing emotion and Ty Lee overcoming her insecurity around individuality! Like no one got done wrong. Even Azula, whom I love the most, gets a painful but right ending—can’t imagine it ending any other way (at least for now). And just the scenes. The earth kingdom kids playing games among the stacked tanks, freely running about their country again was beautiful. Katara’s ingenuinity?! Stops my heart every time. And the last hug and kiss between them. Can’t believe how moving it is, and it’s so wonderful how she moves in first. And the fucking score! Just…no complaints man. I was so thirsty for a s4 when this aired, but now I really don’t need a s4. ATLA really feels like such an epic and complete story to me, and it’s amazing to watch something huge as a viewer and not feel cheated. Anyway, genuinely sorry to leave another fucking essay, I'm too emotionally exhausted to even try to edit myself. Last spiel I swear 🤦🏽‍♀️


Thanks for all the awesome reactions and glad you guys loved it! From an internet search at least, the show runners had ideas for an animated film or two after the finale, but their story ideas were told in the comics, and they got Korra expanded at least. I have one of the comics, and it's pretty great it feels just like the show.


Aang taking away Ozai’s bending is one of my favorite scenes. It was so powerful with the animation and the music. Also I really love Aang as a character. I usually have the protagonist of a series as my favorite😂 Regarding Aang and Katara I felt the ending was fitting and I ship them. Thanks so much for watching and loving this amazing show guys!


I love this comment and agree with all of it.

ThatFoxGuy30 Watch/Talk/Subscribe

I binge a lot of reactors. From nobodys to the Normies. When I started watching this series with you guys I was turned off by the abrasiveness towards the show you guys shown. It's my golden egg in show form. But I think as time went on you all started to respect it way more and more. I also started understanding you guys and your humor more and more. And for the first time ever I made a patreon account to see episodes sooner to see you guys unique reactions to this amazing show. I love the journey you guys have been on. Thank you guys.


Also, the way they wrote Azula's character and subsequent breakdown was amazing even after all this time. Sure she might have been a little sadistic when she waa younger and some kids are just a little messed up but if Ursa, their mom, hadn't been banished, maybe she could have at least turned Azula onto a similar path like Zuko? In a fan fiction somewhere, there's probably a healthy relationship between Zuko and Azula and they work together to fight Ozia. But no. With no other choice, she latched on to the toxic parent, a megalomaniac who successfully turned one of his own children into a weapon in the name of his ambition. I think looking back on it watching the series as a kid, she was the first time I realized villains could be complex and could be sympathized with because she's just a victim of her upbringing. She didn't escape Ozia's shadow like Zuko did and even then, he had help and rejected it/failed multiple times. But it's a lesson on how personal growth is difficult and is better than just appeasing the powers that be.


M Night actually made The Happening before Last Airbender lmao

Dennis Ramirez

the love goes both ways. i went through a difficult breakup last year, and the Patreon and Discord definitely helped make a very tough year that much more bearable. this show is one of my favorite stories ever, and it was a joy to watch you guys get into it and see your reactions. i was also overseas for a long time during all this, and your reactions for this show all helped me get a tiny piece of home from where i was. cant wait to see where you guys go with Korra and the rest.

Sean Silence

I feel like "the movie that shall not be named" was already going down the hill from the very beginning simply because they didn't involve the original creators at all.


Thanks for watching this show with us! It gives me great joy to watch people falling in love with the show and its characters. This show has given me so much wisdom, especially when I watched it as a teen. Whenever times are difficult, I will always remember what Iroh said "In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength". I am definitely staying for the Korra journey. It's different but the essence and heart of both shows are the same. To Sean, Dustin and Morgan: Stay safe and sane! I hope work is in a better situation now.


You know, Katara and Zuko could have done better, like each other for example.


What a lovely and genuine intro to the video. ATLA definitely is a special journey. I watched it for the first time in my twenties, and I rewatched it last year after the pandemic hit, when I needed something beautiful and wholesome to escape. When it was over, I felt empty and sad and not ready to leave that world (just like after the first time)... that is when I discovered reaction videos and ultimately your channel! It has been fun to rewatch this gem with you :) While you'll never be able to see it for the first time again, it only gets better with every rewatch, imo. Thanks for the content and all the best to you!


Oh, and this is off-topic, but for a future show I'd recommend Attack on Titan. Some call it the Game of Thrones of Anime, and I can see why, but it has some parallels with ATLA too. Ultimately it's its own show of course, and from world building to characters to soundtrack to animation, it is a wonderful show that gets better from season to season, imo. It's definitely not a wholesome experience though, and can be rather bleak and depressing (and brutal) -- but it has beauty in it too. It comes with a very intense fandom, with all its advantages and disadvantages... ;) If you haven't seen it yet and you do decide to react to it, you might need mods to steer clear from spoilers, because it's a show that really lives off the mystery, and you piece it all together slowly as you go along.


Hey, folks. I just wanted to hop in here and say that I have always watched your entire videos from Patreon, which I signed up for immediately upon finding your channel. I've never fast-forwarded to the reaction, because 1. you guys are funny as fuck, and 2. You give real insight into what you and many others are going through during this tough time. Having spent many years in the restaurant/hospitality industry, I can empathize with where you're at mentally and emotionally. I love hearing what this amazing show has meant to you, and you guys are fighting for the top spot among my ATLA reactors. It's great that you appreciate the lessons, the artistry, and the action this show provides. Can't wait to watch this finale now, and then Korra 1x1! Hang in there, Burlies! We gotcher backs!

rickie woodson

this was back before i heard the word "ship" so knew nothing of it but it was obvious that they loved each other so why not root for it? but as someone who put myself in the show as katara: i need a water boy.

rickie woodson

kitara took out azula in 10 seconds when no one could take her out in 2 seasons. just let that set in............

rickie woodson

i dont hate the show obviously but some overzeleaus fans cant handle critiques/opinions. i personally find the first season super boring and dont watch it. whenever im in an avatar mood its all about season 3 and sometimes 2. i understand you need that first chapter to lay down the ground work but too much filler and a lot of (to me) we dont know what we are yet. knowing what happens there i s no need (for me) to relive it, i can just go to the good stuff. like buffy. skip season 1-3 unless you want to see faith and just go to season 4 (or 5) to get to the willow witchy goodness!


Thank you so much Reebo that really means a lot and we are so stoked to keep going with Korra!!


That Azula ending is crazy and then you realize that Azula is 14 years old and a government mandated child soldier. That shit hurts. I love Korra's season 1, please keep holding on past season 2 of Korra, because Season 3 is a masterpiece.


found you during the last season of GoT; stayed for the AtLA reactions. thanks for the awesome viewing!


Sorry to hear you think Aang is lame, but hey so be it (and truth be told the Luke comparison isn't far off at all). I will say that Aang wasn't my favorite after the first watch either, but I came to absolutely love his arc and admire his character after rewatching it so many times and deep diving. With that I'm out, thanks for the reactions, see you on YouTube!


Thank you so much for watching one of the greatest, most satisfying shows of all time! Your reactions have been a much-needed bright spot in the nightmare that has been 2020-2021. Definitely watch it with your nieces and nephews. I watched it with my niece when she little. She's 18. She texted me a few weeks ago with "Cactus juice. It's the quenchiest!" This is a show that stays with you.


Don’t let these weirdos fool you, they were just salty about the Zutara of it all. Aang is the shit


Hey, I'm new here 😊 is it normal that the ATLA video is kinda ''stripy'' and dark, I can barely see it :(( on YouTube it was normal quality


Oki, good to know, still amazing content 😍


It has been so fun watching your reactions to this series! I have watched several other reaction series to ATLA and your group is one of my favorites!! :) I can't wait for you to get into the journey of Korra, people say it is different and to prepare yourselves and I do admit it IS different. But I think that can be over-exaggerated sometimes. Korra has all the great themes of ATLA and just as much heart. You'll love TLOK for similar reasons you loved ATLA. It's all the magic of the Avatar universe :) Here are some points I think you might enjoy/be interested in knowing about this last episode (not sure if anyone else has said these yet since I haven't read all the other comments): 1. About Katara not blood bending Azula... not only is it just a morality thing, but she actually cannot blood bend her at all because it's not the full moon. Regardless of that I agree that the way she did win that fight was amazing and crazy creative! 2. It is so major at the end there when Aang is able to put out the fires after the fight is over. You see him flash the Avatar state to channel the power but then he is able to control it. He's able to control the Avatar state finally! 3. The lion turtle was actually set up just a bit! It was mentioned in book 2 "The Library". From the Avatar wiki: "During this episode, Aang comes across a book which depicts the meeting of a human and a lion turtle, foreshadowing his own encounter with one during the series finale." Pretty cool :) Again can't wait to watch you react to Korra. Another fucking amazing show that expands the lore, universe, and use of bending in amazing ways you wouldn't think of. Cheers!!!


I love how you guys mentioned revisiting this show when you're in some dark places (or having a "zuko" LOL). Literally this past year I was in a dark place with all of the stresses of life and I looked back on quotes from Uncle Iroh to help me through it. And YOU GUYS definitely HELPED ME out of this shitty year too. Love you guys and can't wait to continue this journey with Korra.


You know what the best part of ATLA? It's like a fine wine and gets better with age. Rewatch, rewatch, rewatch!

Aura Y

I'm about a month too late, but just wanted to say thanks for sharing your journeys and stories with us through Avatar! I'm glad you found meaning and joy in this show because I'm sure we all found a lot of joy in your reactions as well! Look forward to what's to come, wishing you all the best!

Kramer Coop

there are rumors that the comics may get animated eventually and they would stream on the paramount + app, the live action show on netflix as far as anyone knows is still happening but the original creators of Avatar are no longer involved


This is wonderful! Thank you for watching this show and I had so much fun watching you guys enjoy my favorite show of all time. I wish I could have a drink with you guys and talk about the show.