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We figured we'd just cut to the damn chase like Korra herself and just RUN INTO THIS NEW JOURNEY HEAD FIRST!!! 

We also just wanted to drop this ahead of schedule to demonstrate that we are always taking care of our ATLA community and we love yall! 

Hang with Sean Dustin and Morgan as our minds are repeatedly blown at the world-building of this first episode! Why is Korra's lil' belly so damn funny?!? How cool is the idea of GANGSTER BENDERS!?!?! And watch the slow realization of Morgan that Appa is dead and Sean's gleeful (though he's hiding the pain) exclamation that Appa is a "dead bug-eyed bag of shit"! 

Follow the password-protected link to hang! 


Password: MyGabaGOOL!

We're so thrilled to continue exploring this world with yall and can't thank you enough for continuing to hang with us! 

So, Sean is busting his ass on the YT edits and this drop is WAY ahead of schedule but we will be doing a Livestream, which we will link on Patreon feed on JULY 5th at 5pm CDT and the UNCUT Episode 2 dropping on JULY 9th with Wednesday drops to resume there after! 


Tank & the Watchers in the Bar




Unexpected early release. Thank you! Love you guys!


Bruh been feeling like shit since I got my second vaccine dose and this was just the unexpected pick me up I needed. This is one of my all time favorite shows and I'm excited as hell for this reaction.


when you said "and then onto Korra" i didn't realize you guys meant RIGHT NOW


Still can’t get over the fact that JK Simmons voices Tenzin in this show and Omni-Man in Invincible

Manny D.

AH THE SAME DAY DROP!!! Love it!!!

Abbey P.

Omg I don't know if it's the hellish headache I've been nursing or my love for these shows and y'all's reactions, but when I saw this notification I started crying. Give me my little baby Korra now!


It might be summer but seeing this today made it feel like Christmas!! Thank you so much for the incredible content!!


Woot! I'm excited to go through this series again, this time with youse filthy folks. Thanks for covering it!


It’s funny that you made that Legend of Carra joke because Kara was actually the original name for Korra but they thought it sounded too much like Katara. Another thing about the lineage, so per capita the Earth Kingdom has the most nonbenders. There are more nonbenders than benders in the earth kingdom. And about airbenders, idk how canon this is but it was mentioned that all air nomads could airbend because their spirits are free, but there are air acolytes who cannot bend but practice the culture and in the kyoshi novels there’s a gangster airbender.


I live in the UK, bender isn't a common insult in my experience (But it definitely is an insult). Muppet, bellend, doughnut, rentboy, slapper, cow, tart are some I've heard around.

Aidan Pullen

Luckily for all the ladies and their uteri, bending is a discipline that requires training (even if it's self-taught) to pull off, so the babies won't wreck you during pregnancy XD


A little side note for context, a lot of the aesthetic and setting wise themes are loosely based on themes in what the Chinese call "Century of Humiliation" and what westerners call "Westernization of China", within this time, where due to unstable central leadership and rapid industrialization, caused breakdown of society in minor and major ways. A lot of the "Western look" of Korra is trying evoke that change which happened in China around 19th and 20th centuries.

Manny D.

Great reaction guys!! Korra is a great series!! Btw as Aang was the last airbender, his descendants are the only airbenders in the world.

Neil Prospect

Apologies in advance, this is gonna be a really long post. Please don't read it if you don't want to. Republic City is a cross between New York and Shanghai. And just because they don't really address this directly, it's more subtext - Korra is incredibly sheltered, so she's a kid coming from west bumfuck nowhere stepping off the bus in New York and being overwhelmed. The line about thinking everyone from the city is rich is really something people from more rural areas believed. Today, there are still foreign countries that think everyone in America is rich because their only windows into the country are movies and TV shows. Also, technology advanced everywhere, but not at the same speed. Republic City is a center of innovation because you have the interaction of people from all the other nations. When the show first came out a lot of people did struggle with the show because it is such a drastic change. Which is actually one of the reasons I love it so much. This creative team again and again choose the more complex route. There was backlash to the changes in society and people didn't like that Sokka was dead. Change is hard. There was also some mysoginistic backlash as well. But there were legit criticisms. With no spoilers, I want to explain some of the struggles for the show. It's impossible to truly compare it to ATLA, but it's also impossible not to. ATLA is a much more complete, perfectly structured story. Korra is a lot more messy. There are some pacing issues in the first two seasons. But that's largely because of how Nickelodeon jerks the creators around. Originially they were supposed to have multiple seasons. Then as they were making season 1, Nickelodeon told them it was only going to be 1 season. Then when season 1 was finished, they suddenly told them they were getting the second season. The first half of season 2 even has a different animation house working on it because of scheduling. They made seasons 3 and 4 all at once and they all released really close together and almost all only online because again Nickelodeon had no idea what to do with this show. So, the show is messier and the seasons are shorter and the world more complicated so it throws A LOT at you at once. I think every season would benefit from an extra episode, but that's me. And even some things I didn't love the first time through, I appreciated more on rewatch because there's a lot more going on beneath the surface. I happen to love this show so so much. I named my dog Tenzin. (I met Janet Varney who voices Korra at a con and I told her about my dog and showed a picture and she was really touched by it because Naga is based on one of the creators' dog and at the time that dog had passed away like a week before. So it was a bit like that dog was living on in my pup) If ATLA was the original Star Wars trilogy, Korra is The Last Jedi. The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars film. I think there's A LOT in here you're really going to love and will spark a lot of great conversation. But there will be things that cause eyerolls as well. So, if you can, try to seperate it a bit from Avatar. The series interact with one another, but they're also both so different. I could talking about this world in depth forever, so I'll end my zine here. Again, I'm so sorry sorry sorry for the long post. There's just a lot going on and a lot of people have a complicated relationship with the show, so I wanted to give a heads up that there are bumps in the road, but the show is ultimately truly great.


i apologize before hand but book 3 hype!!!!!!!!! sorry i had to say it. also welcome to the world of Korra enjoy the ride

John Cedar

Yes, I really don't like when people say this show "white-washed" Asian culture. Asian culture also includes the 20th century, not just ancient stuff. Let's also not forget that both Western and Asian influences on art and literature molded the entire steampunk genre into what it is today. An episode of Love, Death, and Robots on Netflix called "Good Hunting" deals with a similar time period and circumstances, and it's one of my favorite shorts ever.


Tbh the first season of Korra is actually fantastic in my opinion. Especially the latter half, each episode just HITS

Isis Peoples

I NEVER watch Korra reactions (I'm not ttthhhhaaatttt big on it) BUT! Ima watch yall watch Korra. Seriosuly! I'm not ready to say goodbye to Morgan, Dustin, or Sean.🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎

Isis Peoples

The last time I watched korra reactions was with the Normies. I haven't enjoyed ATLA reactions this much since the normies! FUCK IT! Let's watch some korra. It's been some years so this will serve as my bi-decade refresh 🤭🤭

Robert C

it seems to me that Korra is pretty clearly set up to be opposite of Aang. Aang only knew airbending whereas Korra knows everything but airbending. Aang flees from his duty as Avatar, Korra is desperate to become the Avatar. Aang is very spiritual, Korra is not. Aang wants to avoid conflict and is almost a pacifist. Korra thinks she can punch her way out of any problem. Of course, Aang grew and changed and so will Korra, but these starting points lay out the type of journey that is in front of them and Korra's is very different from Aang's.


i donr know just how far along into the series yall are, but like others said, keep in mind this stuff. this show had a mess of a production and it really wasnt the staff or mike and bryans fault. this came at a time when nickelodeon really didnt know what to do with this show, you know they were moving into more live action, less animation. especially korras expensive, not really kid friendly all the time type of animation. so, this show and its staff had their work cut out for them lol


but i will say this despite all of that, i still love korra. i love how ballsy and challenging of a direction it took instead of playing it super safe unlike many other franchises. and yes it really is a last jedi type of situation. you either love it or you dont. and i really hope it clicks with yall. i wish you guys all the luck with the korra reactions btw!

Erich Bomke

He's done quite a bit of voice acting work for about 20 years now. Klaus, Archer, Gravity Falls, Kung Fu Panda, Megamind, Zootopia, Portal 2


Quoting Reservoir Dogs at 35:26 ❤


As a Brit, the word bender is super old school. I don't know anyone under the age of 60 that would use it lol it just means gay

Isis Peoples

Excuse me, can you hold my tea 🍵 while I clear my schedule for July 5th 5pm CST! Hell Yea Baby! 👋🏾👏🏿💯

David Proby

Old school black people would ask people who are gay especially the men “who does the bending?” As a way to ask who bottoms for who 😂

Isis Peoples

I hated Korra.... with a passion. I watched it live and took hit after hit. I DID NOT know about the production insanity. So! When I had that really interesting conversation I rewatched it taking into consideradtion the abuse Nick dished out. Look, its no ATLA, but its okkkkk. lol. I can see where the show was supposed to be, had the potential to be great. Plus when I take my hurt emotions out of it Korra has a whole lot of amazing moments


Fun fact: in the comics, Sokka would say "you guys are giving me the oogies" whenever Aang and Katara were being intimate. Tenzin must have picked up on the word from his uncle and named his bison after it.

Isis Peoples

Morgan: imagine if our cops could bend metal Dustin: they do Morgan: everyone would die Me: we do 😬🥴 Whew.....that got depressing


the inuit villages in our world haven't progressed than much either. it makes sense that the southpole is less developed. 70 years ago only 40 people lived here.


There are a lot of criticisms one can make about this series (still love it), but the one criticism one can NEVER make about it is that it lacks ambition. I may not like it as much as ATLA, but I basically respect it as much for the sheer effort of trying something so different. Korra herself was basically written by the creators to be the polar opposite of Aang in virtually every way. Aang was pacifistic, spiritual, had traveled the world before learning he was the Avatar, generally humble. Korra is a woman who loves the thrill of a fight, is primarily physical, cocky, and has lived in social isolation. Most importantly, Aang didn't want to be the Avatar, whereas Korra is absolutely ecstatic about it.


Appa is not dead, he went to live on a farm up north Morgan. Don't worry about it.


So I apparently got kicked from the Discord channel for supporters for some reason, but what is the schedule for Korra going to be? I am assuming the same as ATLA?


I'm excited for this because it is different from avatar the last airbender in a lot of ways but they have core avatar moments that are reminiscent of the first series.


So honestly I’m not the biggest fan of Korra, but I love your reactions so much I’m going to rewatch and hopefully I’ll like it more. I do enjoy the first episode and the last half of the first season! Thanks for the early drop.

Hunter McKinney

Plus, ice and snow with 20's automobiles? It would just be completely impractical.

Lorenzo Baxter

It's because in the comics that take place after the show. Aang founds the Air Acolytes. And all airbenders could bend because they stayed with each other. They never mated with people of another country. So the Air bender gene was passed around constantly.


Nickelodeon fucked the creators over massively with this series they were only greenlit for ONE season if u've consumed enough media u'll be able to tell and then (someone else can explain better) they were green lit for Season 2 and at some point were green lit for 2 more seasons which are far more consistent than S1 and 2 I can't wait to see what you guys think in Season 2 cuz that's where most of the fandom throws a fit and is like THIS SUCKS


Woo! Korra, here we come! I know a lot of people kind of hate on the series because it definitely goes some strange places in terms of character development and especially deviating from the original series. But given that it was becoming more and more separated from Nickelodeon and typical kids programming as it went on, I like that it had the space to stretch its wings and give us more adult and complex themes like the political and social issues in a world like this. The idea of some people being born with superpowers and whether or not they decide to lord them over regular people...which is exactly like X-Men now that I think about it out loud...huh. Anyway, super excited too see you guys continuing it. I will say personally I feel like seasons 1 and 2 kind of drag on a little bit but 3 and 4 are fuckin' lit. Plus the voice actors for the whole series are ace. And NAGA THE POLAR BEAR DOG IS BEST GIRL.🐻‍❄️🦮😍

Layn Hyer

Someone is missing from your death predictions, someone very important, WHERE’S MOMO?

Cody Taylor

Really excited too see how you enjoy this series. When it first came out i was just happy to be back in the same universe learning more about the world and consuming stories with in it. I definitely enjoyed it but wasn't blown away with my first viewing. But over the years it's absolutely grown on me and doesn't get enough credit. People prefer to obsess over what wrong with it. But what it does well it does really really well and i with out a doubt have a soft spot for this series i think korra as a character is so wonderfully full, complex, and imperfect that it makes it all just feel real and her arc is just... Idk just hits me in the heart and is relatable


oh my god...i never even thought of momo...


they went soooooooo fucking hard on the animation in season 1. this is the best anything in the avatar universe has ever looked.


Yall dropped this and the ending of ATLA, man joining patreon really was a good decision 😅

Sean Silence

Spoiler free background info: All jokes aside about Appa being dead, I do want to say that the Kyoshi novels talk about the relationship between airbenders and sky bison. They form an attachment once in their lives. So if the airbender dies, the sky bison will not accept a new rider, and retires (or if they're still young, they usually form a family and have babies). So, most likely, Appa died shortly before or after Aang.

Sean Silence

Also, they don't really go into this deeply in the show, but the reason Korra can't airbend yet, apart from her personality, is partially due to her lack of spirituality. Airbending actually requires spirituality, which is why airbenders are monks and nuns. In fact, again in the Kyoshi books, it's been revealed that if an airbender leaves spirituality behind and becomes a criminal or anything like that, they eventually lose their ability to bend. I highly recommend the Kyoshi books, they do a lot to deepen the lore of the world outside of the story itself.

Danae Younge

Yeah, this is a huge issue I have with Korra. They basically whitewash and Americanize the unique cultures that existed in ATLA. All that special world building that existed as an homage to Asian cultures is pushed aside. Sure, on its own Republic City could be considered cool I guess. But comparing it to the original, what used to be a fascinating world is now just 1920s New York that happens to have bending in it. Even a lot of the background characters who get dialogue are depicted and voiced in a way that is supposed to resemble early 1900s white folk, like the journalists/news reporters at the end of the episode. It's Avatar but stripped of its cultural originality. Super disappointing imo


i dont see it like that, i mean for one avatar was always westernized. i mean, it is a western cartoon after all. plus even asian cartoons like dragonball or naruto that focus on asian cultures have tons of western-like influences and aesthetics and it doesnt bother them. also republic city is only the focus for season 1, after that we get to see plenty of the rest of the world and they drop the jazzy/new york themes a bit. like someone up there said it starts to resemble more the chaos of china during the turn of the 20th cenury.

rickie woodson

wow. didnt expect a korra drop so soon. thought you were doing to do the extras from avatar??? oh well. forgot about saturday so its avatar sunday for me! just in time for my meal of the day!


I still don't like lok tbh, I think the setting is a disappointment but the character arcs/lore-work are actually way worse imo--but Korra is by far one of my favorite things about LOK. I love the concept of the next avatar being this brash, spiritually distant, and foolhardy girl. I don't know if the execution of her faults has always been the best (burning down the air relics, oy vey) and I really wish some of her arcs were handled better, but the actual character itself is just a really cool and fun next move. Love your point about how Aang didn't want to be the avatar and Korra lives for it--that's another great contrast for them.


I'm excited to see you guys watch through Korra! All the bending and fight scenes are so ridiculously well animated, and I love how it expands on the world. Korra just a different show than AtLA and shouldn't be directly compared, the two are telling entirely different stories. And I want to thank them for giving us these main characters because I have a crush on all of them, so good job there

Patrick Boyda

The Metalbender police factor into this show a lot. I eagerly look forward to Morgan saying "Fucking pigs" each and every time they appear hahaha.

rickie woodson

in one episode you can get why korra is so controvarsial, both the character and the show. the reason i love korra is the reason she gets on my nerve: arrogance and bravado. yeah its cool to have in a fight but she cant turn it off. she also cant control it so she goes wolverine on mofos with no regards for her surroundings. she destroyed all that property and was like "i caught the bad guys. you're welcome!"...................GIRL!

rickie woodson

well look at avatar. earth kingdom and fire nation had things and advances that the water tribe doesnt. only the fire nation had air ships and other metal/engine machines. earth kingdom had a train system in ba sing se. i mean they live in ice and water, what can you really build there? and they are closer to nature then the other nations aka they are the best so nah keep your colonization off my sea waters lol thats the mentality i think they have and i agree! #teamnature

rickie woodson

should have said "two episode drop". this was originally aired as an hour special with episode 2 on a friday night. its not until episode 2 that we get our full main cast but oh well, i'll see my boo bolin in a few days. #hype #excited!

rickie woodson

question: will this be a saturday drop going forward or was it just for this week and starting on the 30th it will be on wednesdays?


Hey guys. I hate to say goodbye but living on a fixed income sucks. Thanks for making me feel like a friend in the bar. I’ll redo Patreon when some other expenses give way.


can we have a schedule


glad you all joined the cult of the real Avatar. Glad y'all have decided to do Korra.


For these next two weeks? Sure. On a consistent basis? No. I think we’ve proven ourselves to be consistent enough over the past months. We’ve never missed a Wednesday without notification and without ample reason for doing so. We just concluded the show on Patreon and now we’re trying to Deliver the best edit that we’ve ever produced and that is a lot of post production man power. We’ll be taking This coming Wednesday off so we can get ahead of our editing schedule and have our Patreon exclusive livestream on July 5th with a extra special ATLA based reaction on the 7th and episode 2 of LoK to follow the next Wednesday the 14th and that will line us up perfectly to be ahead of two episodes of YT and then boom boom boom same as we ever was. I was just gonna announce this tomorrow, so there you go.


We need one Wednesday off but they next thing is the livestream on the Monday. One week from today.

Anthony Dimas

Aang's monk father figure: Gyatso. Aang's son: Tenzin. OUR Dalai Lama's name: TENZIN GYATSO


What's crazy to me is that people get after Aang for the exact opposite reasons. He runs away too much, he doesn't stand his ground and fight. Or all the times reactors have complained about him not just killing the firelord already. Either way, people complain. It's like people want a boring flawless protagonist.

Benji Schulman

I'll say what I said before during the finale in ATLA. ATLA was about a person becoming the Avatar while LOK is about the Avatar becoming a person. Very different character developments throughout these whole shows but ultimately imo both just as good. Also LOK is much darker and more adult compared to ATLA. Both ATLA and LOK have their own weaknesses and charms and I think they build upon each other very nicely. Awesome reaction ya'll, thanks!


I'm 53. I watched this with my family when it first aired. One of my favorite things is watching younger generations find it. The Normies and now you. To me. For me, this is best show from beginning to end I have EVER SEEN. I loved your perspectives and insight. Thank you.👍🏾🤎💪🏾


Many ppl recognize the name Bumi, but don’t recognize the daughter’s name, Kaya, which is also the name of Katara’s and Sokka’s mom.

alex day

so excited for you to start this! i love both series idk why some people compare everything to each other and then just fight about it lol - but that’s just me. i hope you enjoy!!!!!

Rudy Velazquez

Aw man I cant get the password to work

Nohemi Rodriguez

Why can’t I see it 😔password is wrong apparently


The password includes the exclamation mark guys.


Hey I am a new subscriber. Why are these videos craptastic with the overlay? The ATLA videos arent like that. What gives?

Ravjeet B

Thank god there is some people out there who thinks about LOK and ATLA both being great for different reasons. It always got to me that people trash talk LOK just because Korra is vary different from Aang.


Some of the early ones weren't but if we don't do it we'll get hit for CopyWrite. For the next two shows we're doing on the $5 Tier they won't be there at all and yall will have to synch the episodes themselves cause, we really don't want to give Vimeo any reason to nuke us.