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Hey Hey! 

What’s up everyone! Hope you and yours are doing well, because we are STRESSED AS AN APPA IN A GODDAMN CAVE!

We’re rocking S3x20 of A:TLA and it’s easily one of the most stressful and gorgeous episodes ever! Iroh snd the White Lotus Crew! Aang redirects lightning, but will he kill Ozai?! And….

Zuko & Azula’s Agni Kai!!!! Holy shit!!

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Password: AzulaQuarantineHaircut

We conclude our ATLA journey this Saturday!

We will have a special announcement on that post for a live stream hang out with y’all!

We cannot express how amazing this has been and how much we appreciate you all!


Tank & the Watchers in the Bar




1st comment 1st like lol

Abbey P.

Oh my god I'm so ready for this agni kai reaction!!


Ahhh it’s here!!




Between you guys, new Loki, and LM Reactions posting new Korra, Wednesday is becoming my favorite day of the week


The Last Agni Kai is one of my favorite moments in the show.


yea a lot of people give katara flak for just standing there but like, think about it. this is azula, would you really let zuko fight her alone when you know shes gonna do some tricky shit? also shes a healer so of course shes gonna stick to zuko in case somethin happens.


Azula and Zuko’s Agni Kai is so fucking lit (get it?????)


also if this wasnt a kids show, katara would have definetley used some bloodbend or other waterbendig shit like that to stop azula's heart. like imagine the shock that woulda been? though the way azula's story ends is even more tragic that if she actually died.azula's breakdown in this finale just makes me so sad.

Lorenzo Baxter

I dont want to be "that guy" but that isn't how blodbending works. And remember it can only be done during a full moon. So she couldn't use it against Azula even if she wanted to. But that's why this is a tense situation. It's more high stakes because she doesn't have an ace in the hole. Just her wits.


Mark Hamill is the only actor who can pull off "Prepare to die!" and make it sound legitimately dramatic. Azula was always cool and collected, but it was built on a very fragile foundation. Mai and Ty Lee's actions were more than just a betrayal, they were a complete refuting of how she viewed the entire world, that relationships were built on fear and power dynamics rather than true friendship/love and/or trust. However, it was Ozai giving her the position of Fire Lord and then IMMEDIATELY making it obsolete that I feel was the final tipping point. She had served him faithfully from Day 1 and he left her breadcrumbs. In Ozai's mind, Azula was only a tool nothing more. He raised her to be a weapon, not a ruler.


god damn the finale is so lit


I love the fight between Zuko and Azula, also because you can see Zuko using moves that almost every other type of bender would normally use, the way he grounds himself like an earth bender, his little break dancing moves where he spins and flips like an air bender and then the wave movements like a water bender, something he never would have done if it weren't for Iroh's lessons about balance of the 4 elements. Ugh growth, we love to see it.


Zuko: "I can't explain it, she's slipping" Azula: Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.


These passwords are giving me so much life!! 😀😂 I love them!!

pollyy clunes

azula and zuko fighting always makes me So SAD-!!! the awesome music doesn't help either~~~


So glad I found your Avatar Journey!! You guys are truly my favorite reaction channel, you make everything so funny🤣...I never thought I would find Avatar reactors who would bring in deep cut drag race and GOT references. It is everything my multi fandom ass needed!!

David Proby

I love the last Agni Kai fight. Beautifully heartbreaking yet this sets up a storyline in the comics involving the Royal family with Ursa; their mother and how Azula thinks all she saw was her daughter being a monster because of Ozai only using her for his benefit and personal gain since she was a prodigy in firebending. Furthermore, this also is a good representation on her mental health and overall psychology. Honestly makes me glad I took a psych class in college and my professor is an actual active psychologist for the city courthouse.


Little fun tidbit I was watching a kinda behind the scenes documentary and when the creators and their families were watching the finale, during the last Agni Kai scene (I can't remember which one) but one of the creator's wives looked at him and just said "this is the best thing you have ever done." Also fun side note my friend and I in college devoured a whole ass cheese cake watching this because we were stress eating 🤣


yeah a really good way to describe Korra is whereas Aan was a person trying to become the Avatar, Korra is an Avatar trying to become a person.

Isis Peoples

The high probability that Morgan is the one who give us the weeks password. Love Morgan 😍


oh cool, where's this behind the scenes doc you watched? it sounds interesting


Again, katara can only bloodbend on a full moon


Joined the patron a while ago. Do not regret it. I can't wait for Korra.


I love that Aang and Ozai fight & I love that when he had the chance to redirect the lightning and kill Ozai that he didn’t do it. What a character. The music is also SO good in this finale!


This episode is cinematic greatness and it's a dam nicktoon


The agni kai between zuko and azula always makes me emotional. A fight till the death between two siblings with amazing music in the backgrounds that makes the fight even more impactfull than it already is.


the fact that we went from "not one hair out of place" to bangs :( the "even you fear me" line was such a great moment, and terribly sad. azula clearly deserves to go down, but watching her unravel like this is absolutely devastating. it's really tragic that on the final battle, ozai goes in fully fortified, while azula goes in at her most vulnerable. also dustin's "bend me daddy" lmao I always get excited to see how people react to ozai's sudden strip tease, this did not disappoint


I love it too, it also really affirms Aang's decision was truly a choice--he has a chance to kill him outside of the avatar state AND in the avatar state and he chose not to every time. And truly, the music is amazing this finale. Agni Kai scene and beyond, fucking masterpiece.


Urgh... i told myself i would watch your guy's reactions to pt 3 & 4 together and i just went and watched this part now i hate myself that i have to wait until sunday to see the true finale XD


I want to say a sincere thanks to "dirty thirty", because without them I wouldnt find this great channel and these awesome people.

Saynt Michael

Buff Joker? Thats Arkham Asylum


Zuko "taking azula's base" just as Iroh tought him back in the first episodes, is so good


Can we just give a shout-out to the voice actors in this episode? Like holy shit dude

Robert C

I love the Zuka/Azula fight in this episode. I love how it mirrors the first Agni-Kai that they fought. In that one, Azula is perfect and calm and Zuko is angry and reckless. he's all over the place and wears himself out with big attacks while Azula just counters and waits for her chance. The opposite here. Zuko is calm and centered. He knows himself and his destiny. Azula on the other hand, is falling apart. She's the one who's reckless and all over the place. Zuko mostly just stays in one place, fending off her wild attacks until he finally gets an opening. And then, at the end, just like when Iroh redirects lightning to save Zuko, Zuko redirects lightning (sorta) to save Katara. I think it's very deliberate by the showrunners to have Zuko mirror Iroh in the final moments of this fight. It tells us a lot about how much he's changed. It's a beautiful fight and a perfect bookend for Zuko's arc.

Anesha Davis

Zuko asked katara to help him face Azula and it wasn’t just for moral support


All you have to do to see how much Zuko has grown is watch Azula and Zuko's first fight on that ship in Book 2 Ep. 1. Azula didn't even firebend until the end in that fight. She blocked and parried him the whole time with just martial arts.


You guys may remember in episode 1 when Sokka tells Aang you can't fight the Fire Nation with fun. Here Sokka defeats an entire Fire Nation airship crew with fun.


one of my favorite fight moments is when zuko does that airbender inspired move and knocks down azula during the agni kai because she wasn't expecting it. it's just one of the many moments where the whole gang, not just aang, improves their bending by learning from each other's cultures. like when katara fought hama in the puppetmaster and stood her ground like an earthbender instead of flowing and redirecting like a traditional waterbender. it's all very *muah* chef's kiss.

Benji Schulman

I can say that Korra compared to ATLA is different in that for Aang it was all about a person growing into being the Avatar as for Korra it's the Avatar growing into being a person. Very different character developments but all in all just as good as ATLA imo. Thanks for another amazing react!


“You’re weak, just like the rest of your people. They did not deserve to exist in this world, in my world! Prepare to join them. Prepare to die!" This is the CRUX of why Aang cannot kill Ozai. The Air Nomads were defined by their pacifism and unwillingness to kill. By compromising and killing Ozai, he is admitting that Ozai is right- that his people could not survive in the world and, in a twisted fascistic sense, "deserved" to die. What an incredible show.


I feel a lot of pity for Azula actually. By the age of 11 she had lost her mom and her brother had been banished taking her uncle with him. She was left alone for years with the fire lord. She never had a chance.


"Emilio Estevez flying the fucking thing!" bahahha god that's great. ducks fly together