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Keepin the killer animals tick alive and well, we decided to continue to see what HAVOC the animal kingdom would keep reeking on the human race and on our eyeballs! 

Later in our Halloween view party we ripped the arguably the best killer giant rat film any of us have ever seen. Or maybe its the only giant killer rat movie we've ever seen. 

Either way ya bite it, we checked out Gnaw : Food of the Gods 2. 

Even though it was never conceived as a sequel to Food of the Gods 1, we like its cheap effects, hilarious dialogue and strange giant cursing angry kid all the same (Possibly the biggest surprise twist in SMN history)!! 

So here's our reaction to GNAW, we had an amazing time and thank you all so much for your support in our little channel! ReWatchers in the Bar episodes will be dropping early exclusively for our Patrons start in the next two weeks! 

Here's the HD video to download or stream!! 

Part 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sb2as9p50ce93m7/GNAW-Master%20File%201%3A2.mov?dl=0

Part 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t1cl2sva13nph63/GNAW-2%3A2.mov?dl=0


Sean and House Burlington




I feel like you guys watched a movie who couldn't shoot the rest of the Bobby storyline because they ran out of money. Longest setup of "adult" version of Honey, I blew up the kid. With that : "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!"


I think you hit the nail on the head. This movie could've used about a half mil more for the kill money shots and to truly bring our boy Bobby to fruition.