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Thought you were done with Halloween, didn't ya!? 

Well we, over here at the House of B, have decided that just flat out isnt the case and we're doing a double header of Animals ATTACK films! 

First up is the slimey, oozing goodness of ITALIAN DIRECTED MASTERPIECE, Slugs (1988)!! 

Based of the bestselling book (we were shocked to discover) it tells the tale of killer slugs terrorizing a small East Coast town! 

And quite honestly, this is one of the most fun and hilarious films that we've watched on our Shitty Movie Nights! 

Check out the all the gross-out hilarity in HD in these 2 parts!

Part 1: 


Part 2:


Enjoy this absolute blast of a flick and be sure to stay tuned for our after movie discussion where we talk about our various encounters with creepy crawlies! 

Tomorrow our trip of terror continues with GNAW, a giant killer rat film! 

Thanks to any and all of our lovely Patrons! 

Sean Tanktop & House Burlington



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