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First off a hap hap Happy Holidays to all of our Patrons! 

As a little Thanks to all our Tiers of Patrons, we are making this Manly Movie Monday available to all of our Patrons and not just our Knight of House Burlington Tier, who normally get our Exclusive Movie Watches! 

We're shooting REWATCHERS IN THE BAR NEXT WEEK and your continued support helps us achieve our goals as a channel! $15 Tier gets those a week before anyone else! 

As a lil feast of Manly Movie Madness we are serving up HARD TARGET a heaping plate of John Woo drenched machismo full with lucious wet Billy-Ray Cyrus mullets, JCVD high-kicks and WILFORD FUCKING BRIMLEY!!!! 

All with a side help of slow-motion doves of course! 

This film is truly a bountiful feast of 90s cheesy action goodness that scores a 5/5 Jean-Claude Van Dammes and 11/10 Wilford Brimleys!!! 

Follow this password-protected link to hang! 


Password: ChristmasInJuly!

We hope you enjoy it cause we sure did! And have a lovely Thanksgiving and make way for a crazy Action CREOLE CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!! (You'll get it when you watch! ) 

Happy Holidays 


Tank and House Burlington



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