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Kali sighed heavily and wiped her hands on her apron. “And that does it.” She murmured and smiled. Thanksgiving had gone perfectly, if she said so herself. The best part was she had plenty of people to cook for this year as Blake brought her friends over. To make things better, those girls were such good eaters! Kali kept stacking plates on the table and every single one was cleaned. Knowing that her cooking was being enjoyed made her so happy!

The tall cat ears atop Kali’s head twitched. One twitched and turned in the direction of the of the dining room.


“Ah, the sound of stuffed little tummies~” Kali cooed as she started to waddle to the dining room. It had been about thirty minutes since she started to cleanup, so it was about time to check up on her girls.

Kali peaked through the doorway. She didn’t see anyone seated at the table because every chair had ended up broken during dinner. The wooden furniture couldn’t keep up with the growing girls and collapsed beneath them. That didn’t mean kali couldn’t see anyone, though. She saw four curved masses that created over the tabletop. The bellies of Team RWBY were so large and round that it reminded Kali of giant inflated beach balls. The ones that normally got tossed around at concerts. The sight made her heart flutter.

“The most precious things in the world. The things that make all this cooking worth it!” Kali giggled and waddled over. At the start of the day, she had been the fattest in her household. Now, she looked skinny compared to these four.

“Now let’s see. This one is Yang.” Kali murmured as she patted the highest point of the blonde’s stomach. She was an especially voracious eater. She kept eating and eating like she was starved. Kali was very proud, but noticed that Yang slowed toward she end. The woman had been worried that her cooking wasn’t good enough, but Yang kept going. That was enough to make her feel better.

Kali looked down at Yang’s face and at first struggled to see it past the young lady’s breasts. ‘My word she is…large there. Well, she’s large everywhere now but seriously.’ Kali thought before shaking her head. Looking beyond Yang’s, once again, exceptionally large breasts she saw a plump face covered in gravy and various other food smudges. “Aw, like a stuffed little piggy. You did good, sweetie. Rest well~”

Kali patted Yang’s belly once more before she waddled to the next girl. This one had much paler skin which meant it was Weiss. Kali was especially worried for her. She seemed so frail and nervous. She wasn’t used to hugs or anything of the like. It nearly made kali cry to think that there was a too-skinny, touch shy girl out there. Thankfully that skinny part had been taken care of. “Now let’s see,” kali placed a hand on Weiss’s belly. Weiss seemed to coo in response. Kali rubbed the stuffed gut carefully and elicited more coos from Weiss. ‘And there goes the shyness! Once her tummy is settled, I’ll hug her and never let go!” Kali continued to rub Weiss’s belly before she looked down at her face. Weiss’s eyes were closed and her breathing was steady. It seemed she was peacefully alseep. ‘So cute, so dangerously cute!’

Kali had to move on before she lost her inner battle and hugged the giant belly before her. She moved onto the youngest of the group, Ruby. Another speedy and gluttonous eater, Kali had kept an eye on her. Ruby had impressed Kali with her voracious appetite and polite manners. Ruby had thanked Kali for everything and every breath between bites was used to compliment the food. Kali was so flattered that she almost had to stuff Ruby faster to avoid being reduced to a flustered mess. ‘My heart can’t handle such praise like that, but ooooh it made me so happy!’ Kali rested her hands on Ruby’s belly and couldn’t help but rub it frantically. The girl was too sweet, so impossibly sweet that Kali almost wanted to bake her into a pie.

“Heheh h-hey wait that ti-ti-tickles-OOOOOOUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPP!” Ruby failed to stifle a loud belch. It was so much pent up gas that her stomach seemed to shrink for a moment only to fill back a second later.

“Eheh, sorry sweetie. Please rest up.” Kali apologized and gave Ruby’s belly one last pat.

“Ok…” Ruby couldn’t keep her eyes opened. “I…love you…missed B.” Ruby murmured and drifted away.

“Ooooouuuuuuughhhhhh I love you toooooooo!” Kali had her hands over her face as she blushed feverishly. “Oh I love these girls so so so so SOOOOO much! I just want to roll them around and snuggle and feed them forever!”

“Mom.” Blake groaned. “Enough, please.”

Kali waddled around to Blake and didn’t hestitate to lean against her daughter’s stomach. She wrapped her arms around as much of the giant, stuffed belly as she could. “Sorry Blake but no can do. I have too much love to give!” She rubbed her cheek against Blake’s belly. “You have such sweet friends, and now I know that I don’t have to hold back on cooking! I’ll make a great big breakfast tomorrow morning.”

“Please no. It’s already past midnight…” The idea of more food made Blake shudder

“You’ll have room by then. Just rest up and let mommy love you a bit~” Kali squeezed Blake’s stomach which groaned ominously in response.

Blake groaned before a room shaking belch escaped her. “OOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPP…” the belch was enough to wake the other girls. Weiss merely let out a whine while Ruby and Yang were dazed and confused.

“But what if you get hungry before then. Should I get some snacks ready?” Kali asked fretfully

“No.” Blake groaned.

Weiss somehow managed to roll onto her side. The rising mass of her belly sloshed noisily as it slowly rolled with her. “Please no…too full.”

Ruby hummed I’m thought. “Maybe? I’m full but…maybe.”

Yang tried to get up but her stomach was too heavy. “I can…totally make some room.” Yang didn’t know how much room that was, but she would eat anything tasty out in front of her.

“Two to two.” Kali rubbed her soft chins. “You all just rest and there might be a few snacks on the way, but breakfast will absolutely happen! I’m thinking 9:30, let you all sleep in a little, to about 11:45. That will give me time to get lunch ready and then…” Kali went on about the next day’s menu as Team RWBY thought of just how big they’d be by the end of the weekend. One thing was certain.

They wouldn’t make it to Beacon for their finals.


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