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Funny story. This is a birthday story for a friend but it's about Ruby's birthday


Series: RWBY

Characters: Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang

Contains: massive weight gain, gas, slob

Birthday gift for SymmetryFats


Ruby swung the door to her dorm open. She started to step through, only for her hips to get caught in the frame. With a groan and shove of her feet, she was through the threshold. She didn’t acknowledge how she was briefly stuck and instead rubbed her belly with a large grin on her round face. “Aaaaah, that was the best meal of my life!” She exclaimed.

Over her time at Beacon, Ruby had overindulged to an extent that surpassed many. She made all sorts of excuses that her role as Team RWBY’s leader demanded an abundance of energy. However, Ruby would eat enough to feed her entire team before she proceeded to lay around and play video games or sleep. It quickly caused her to bulk up with a thick outer layer of fat.

Her face housed thick cheeks and extra chins before her widened neck sloped to broad, padded shoulders. Plump, sagging underarms were stuffed into her sleeves like sausages yet managed to jiggle like sacks of jello whenever she moved them. Ruby’s chest hardly grew throughout her gaining as each fatty orb only swelled to the size of her head. Ruby made up for it in her lower body. Her corset struggled to contain the yoga ball-sized mass of pure fat. It bounced, wobbled, and quivered almost every second of the day. Ruby often rested on it like a beanbag chair, which gave credence to its softness. Further down on Ruby, her hips flared out and sagged from their weight. Her skirt failed to cover them entirely due to that fact. The same could be said for her fat booty, as both pillow-sized cheeks were partially exposed. Ruby assured everyone that it wasn’t an issue as she could still waddle even with legs so thick that her hands couldn’t reach around their thinnest parts. Yes, she was a big fatty, BUT she had an abundance of lies to convince her that it was fine.

Those lies didn’t convince everyone, though.

Weiss huffed and stomped her foot. “You should really start to cut back, Ruby.” She almost hissed before she smacked Ruby’s belly. The swift strike made the girl yelp and leap back, and the room shook slightly when she landed. “You eat and eat all day, but you never train. You’re just getting fatter, and soon you’ll be a…giant blob of dough! You need to watch what you eat!” Weiss stomped her foot, which made her own pot belly jiggle.

“Ah, go easy on her, Weiss!” Yang chuckled and wrapped her slightly puffy arm around Ruby’s shoulder as her stuffed stomach sank into her little sister’s far bigger belly. “I love my little-big sis no matter how chunky she gets! Just wook at dis wittew face~”

“Uuuuurp.” Ruby burped in response.

Blake hummed and crossed her arms above yet another plump midsection. Ruby’s eating habits had rubbed off on the whole team. “I don’t want to be hard on Ruby, but I’ve had to help her through five doors this week.”

Ruby looked down at her stomach and saw how it curved and blocked the view of her feet. She then glanced at a mirror and saw how her butt jutted out behind her. “Hey…dinner was super nice. Can we just sleep on this and talk tomorrow?” Ruby asked and scooted towards her bed. She did plan to think long and hard about her weight, but sleep also meant she couldn’t be yelled at. Once Ruby started to snooze, nothing woke her up.


Ruby lay sprawled out in bed with her pajama pants stretched over her lower body while her tank top failed to cover anything other than her chest. She snored as drool leaked from the corners of her mouth.

Her belly started to growl, which disturbed her comfortable rest. She smacked her lips and slowly sat up. “Yawn…ok, tummy. Settle down…” She groaned and rubbed her eyes as she slowly stood up. Ruby’s body felt heavier than usual. Her movements felt sluggish and delayed. Once her eyes adjusted to the dark, she looked over herself, and nothing seemed to be off with her. “Meh, snack time.”

Ruby slowly waddled to the kitchenette on the other side of the dorm. She couldn’t figure out why she struggled to move. ‘Is it just because I was so asleep?’ She thought to herself and yawned again before opening the fridge. Ruby wanted to slowly and gently lower herself to the floor, but that wasn’t possible at her weight. She widened her stance, bent her knees, then fell on her butt with a loud SLAM! She jiggled uncontrollably for a few seconds before her flab settled back into place.

“Weiss is gonna be mad, but I need something,” Ruby murmured, reaching into the fridge. She had reached indiscriminately and ended up with a handful of cookies. She didn’t think of why cookies were being stored in the fridge, but it didn’t matter. Ruby stuffed the cookies into her mouth and hummed quietly as she chewed them. “Where did we get these? They’re so good.”

The cookies were so delicious that Ruby had to stuff her mouth even faster. Both hands scooped as many cookies as possible and crammed them into her mouth three at a time. She didn’t notice as her cheeks became rounder or that her extra chin bulged out forward. ‘Did the girls get these for my birthday? It’s past midnight now, but maybe they stashed them away? Maybe they see that I’ve been working hard?’ Ruby thought with her tired brain before she put her entire focus on eating.

Ruby’s legs were spread apart, mainly because she couldn’t cross them, which allowed her belly to spill between her thighs. The mound of fat crept and rolled forward as it quickly became fatter. Each cookie added a few pounds each, which quickly stacked up as Ruby consumed more of them. It had already been near her knees, but now her belly stretched almost a foot beyond them. It became wider, too, and forced her legs to slowly spread further apart. This was enough to split a few threads on her pajama pants.

Her legs started to thicken, with the widest portions of her thighs growing large enough to tear through her pajama pants. The thickest portion quickly grew to the thickness of a tree trunk, but they didn’t stop there. Soon enough, the thinnest portions were that thick, and then everything beneath Ruby’s knees and above her heels was that thick. It reached the point that her pajama bottoms were closer to shorts than pants.

Though, the growth of her hips and butt quickly dealt the final blow. Ruby’s hips stretched out in both directions as fat started to rise and muffin top over the stretched waistband. The seat of her pants were pushed back and put through the same strain as fat, wobbly butt cheeks accumulated more fat. Soon, like an overburdened dam, Ruby’s pajama pants split open, and the fat of her lower half flopped free. There was enough force by the sudden drop that it made Ruby sway. She didn’t react, though, instead eating more cookies. The only hint of her enlarged posterior was that it was harder to lean forward. Her butt was getting too heavy to lift as it spread out until it took up space equal to two couch cushions. That was merely width and length, though. Their thickness and height were enough to almost rise to any of her friends’ knees if they were standing by Ruby. They very well could have been there, but Ruby was entranced by her midnight snack.

Fat rolls accumulated across her back and sides, thickening until they were large enough to overflow her hands. Her breasts started to gradually grow along with her body, but they were still her smallest asset. They managed to get larger than her head, then basketballs, which slowly got to what was almost watermelon-size, but they weren’t round enough to tell. The lack of a perfectly rounded shape at least kept them out of the way. That was good, as Ruby’s arms had enough fat in the way as is.

Ruby’s upper arms sagged heavily. Her bingo wings were thick enough to reach the middle of her ribs and grew thicker as she ate. A fat roll had formed near her elbow while everything past it was growing into an increasingly thick cone-shaped tube of fat. Yet Ruby still chose to keep eating. She had noticed her body growing by this point, but that was only from it subtly creeping across her peripheral vision, coupled with the fact it was getting harder to move.

Suddenly, Ruby’s stomach groaned loudly. She paused her feeding only to clutch her midsection before a loud FRRRRTTTTT erupted from her backside. She blushed and looked around. ‘That was pretty loud.’ No one seemed to stir in their sleep, though. Ruby shrugged and assumed no one heard her. That meant she could continue her binging.

She only got a few bites in before she burped. “UUUURRRRRPPPP…HOOOOUUUURRRRRPPPP! Hey, settle down, tummy, you’re going to get us cau-FRRRTTTTTTT!” Ruby was unable to stop herself. Everything she opened her mouth, she burped. There was nothing she could do to control the near-continuous stream of farts erupting from her backside. She was aware that eating too many sweets wasn’t good for her stomach, but this was an excessive amount of gas. Each burst got louder, too.

“U-uhh, maybe I should get some help?” Ruby murmured to herself as she tried to stand. She managed to wobble slightly. She tried harder the next time, but the exerted pressure just made her gas louder and more frequent. Each time she tried to get up, her body would rise slightly. Then, it would fall with increasingly loud and heavy thumps. Ruby wasn’t eating anymore, but she kept growing. Her body was gaining weight out of control. Her eyes widened as she watched her body swell with thicker layers of fat. It was so quick that her position was being rapidly changed. Different parts of her body stacked higher, she was shifted left then right, and her body covered more of the floor. It felt like she was in the middle of a raging river with how much her head was tossed back and forth.

Ruby was worried, but some other feelings grew along with her. Excitement. Ruby felt excited. She was so huge, she was so heavy, she was so fat! Even her gas started to excite her. Each outburst relieved the pressure in her stomach. The louder they were, the better her stomach felt, too. She couldn’t help but smile as she took up more space than a mattress. It didn’t take much longer until just her belly was that big. Everything got taller, thicker, wider.

“This is the best birthday ever!” Ruby exclaimed, her words causing her softball-sized cheek to wobble. She did her best to look over herself. It was surprisingly easy to see the inner curves of her cheeks and the staircase-like row of her chins. All she had to do was wiggle her neck, then her face would jiggle. Ruby never thought it would be so fun to jiggle her face! She could see her breasts, which were like partially deflated beachballs that rested atop her gut. The broad plateau of her belly was mostly visible, but Ruby couldn’t see how the far edges turned into a cascading avalanche of thick, meaty rolls. She tried to lift her arms and found it impossible as the fat that clung to them was far too heavy. Each bingo wing was as large as a beanbag chair and sagged low, rolling over Ruby’s side rolls until they rested atop her hips. Her hips stretched away from her sides in wide, slightly curved mounds that eventually rolled over themselves at their furthest point. There was enough width that Ruby had slowly yet steadily been pushed closer to the sleeping area of the dorm while one of her halves took up the entire floor of the kitchenette. Behind her, her butt cheeks flowed in a similar pattern as her hips but with more elevation. Fat stacked atop itself as well as to the sides, giving Ruby a butt that was tall and wide. It squished against the wall behind her, which caused her ceaseless farts to sound louder somehow. Like with her arms, Ruby was unable to move her legs at this point. They were too thick and heavy to so much as wiggle as fat rolled from her thighs past her feet. The thickest portions were as high as a couch. Oddly enough, Ruby felt happy that she couldn’t move. Being so fat that she was completely immobile made her so much happier. She was also eager to keep growing, but sadly, her growth tapered off until it eventually stopped.

That was about the time when Ruby felt a pressure on her right hip. In the corner of her eye, she saw a figure. She could feel each time their feet pressed against her and sank into her fat. The figure slowly entered more of Ruby’s vision before she saw that it was Blake. Blake swayed tiredly before she flopped face-first onto the blob girl’s belly. It was enough added pressure to force a large “PPPFFFFFFFFBBBBBBBTTTTTTTT!” From Ruby.

“Blake? UUUURRRRRPPPPP sorry if I wo-oooourrrrp-ke you and FRRRTTTTT um…sorry for being BUUUURRRRRPPPP super fat but…Blake? Did she PBBBBFFFTTTT fall asleep again?” Ruby asked herself, surprised at how cat-like her roommate was.

Ruby felt another set of footsteps on her. This time, the shape walked behind her, completely out of view. It jumped from one butt cheek to the other before it settled at her side. Yang’s blonde hair came into view as Ruby’s older sister leaned against her.

“Heya Ruby,” Yang murmured, yawning as she wrapped her arms around Ruby’s thick neck and squeezed gently. “Late-night snack? That’s cool…ah you’re so soft and warm. I’m proud of my ‘little’ sis for getting so huge.”

“Wh-uuuuurrrrrrpppp-t?” Ruby asked, confused. This didn’t make sense. Blake and Yang were still mostly supportive of her, but this was a lot of weight to ignore. Part of Ruby didn’t mind, seeing as she loved being this fat and wanted to get bigger.

A third set of feet walked across Ruby. It could only be one other person. Ruby tried to turn her head, but her neck was too fat. Tension built in her gut which led to more farts and burps. The footsteps were slow and steady, hardly covering any ground across the expanse of Ruby’s butt cheeks.

“I told you this would happen eventually.” Weiss’s voice sounded. The stern tone made Ruby’s head slump slightly. However, that merely caused her cheeks and chins to squish against her wide ring of neck fat. Weiss kneeled on a few rolls of Ruby’s back fat and sighed. “But I suppose I’m willing to let you continue. There’s no point in slimming you down now.”

Ruby was happy…and confused…but mostly happy! Then, as if triggered by Weiss’s approval, Ruby started to grow once more. Her body rapidly billowed outward in all directions. Fat surged into the rest of the dorm room to the point every inch of the floor was covered by Ruby. Her fat pressed against the walls and started to rise higher. The weight put upon them became heavier and heavier until they started to bow and crack in some areas. The sensation that assailed Ruby was intense, but she enjoyed it immensely. The numerous pounds rapidly accumulated, her body becoming impossibly heavier, and her skin tingled as it stretched around her new blubber. Paired with the satisfaction of each burp and fart, Ruby felt like she was in Heaven.

Though the loud sound of cracking wood momentarily distracted her. The walls around her gave out and collapsed at about the same time as the floor. Ruby squeaked in surprise as her heavy body suddenly felt weightless. She fell into the, hopefully uninhabited, dorm beneath her. The momentum and her weight were too much for that floor, so she fell through the next floor, too. That continued for the last two floors before she rested at the ground level. Thankfully, her body broke hers and her friends fall. Ruby felt her heart flutter rapidly in her chest before it settled into the new normal, slightly less rapid pace.

Her growth, however, became even more rapid. The walls around her collapsed, and her fat surged into the halls and other dorm rooms. The wall of the dorm building that led outside was stronger, but Ruby felt that it would last much longer. For now, Ruby’s body started to dominate the bottom floor. Her belly rolled through three dorm rooms in front of her while her ass had just invaded a forth. One hip pushed against the fourth wall to her left, which still attempted to stand strong, while the other hip broke through interior walls as if they were paper.


“Ow!” Ruby yelped before she looked up. Her head had hit the ceiling. The incredible rate of her growth made it hard to keep track of WHICH dorm or hallway she was in. All she did know was that her hip growth had pushed her more right. “Does this count as getting taller?” Ruby asked as her fat pushed her higher.

“Yep!” Yang cheered.

A combination of shoulder, butt, belly, and a smaller portion of boob fat squished against the ceiling until it broke apart. Ruby’s destructive growth had returned to the second floor, this time traveling up rather than down.

‘When is this going to stop? If it keeps going as long as I want…then this could be bad for the building. Or Beacon.” The mere entertaining of the idea of her body destroying Beacon made Ruby grow faster. She broke through two ceilings above her while her hips finally managed to smash the last of the walls that contained her. Without its sturdy foundation, the dorm building collapsed around Ruby. Rubble and debris rolled off of her curves as she grew into a titanic mound of fat that in no way resembled her former, portly frame. Some of the materials stuck in her rolls were knocked free as powerful bursts of gas caused her to jiggle with such force that the pieces were flung free. Ruby was far more fat than girl at this point. A ratio of 1:1000 paled in comparison to how impossibly obese Ruby had become.

And she loved it.

There was no other way to describe it. To be so massive, so utterly gargantuan, was a dream beyond dreams. It was a desire that no earthly pleasure should be able to compare to. Ruby was impossibly fat and continued to grow. Her ass alone rose to a height taller than the former dorm building, and its width was more than triple that. Fat rose higher and higher, rolls accumulated, and the gas that erupted from it caused the twin mounds to wobble with enough force to simulate earthquakes. Then, like a tidal wave, the cheeks surged forward and slammed into the other builds of Beacon. They collapsed like a house of cards, and their rubble was buried under Ruby’s butt.

Ruby’s belly surged in front of her. The highest point ascended rapidly, though at a rate less than her butt, and the furthest rolls steamrolled anything in their path before cascading over the edge of the cliff like a pinkish waterfall. Ruby could only giggle at the incredible sensation that ran through her body. It was like a tickling pressure or tingle that emanated from every ounce of fat she possessed.

Arms and legs were buried in fat. The only sign of where they were was a series of ring-shaped mounds of fat. The thicker ones of her arms and thighs had small divots that housed the fat that covered her forearms and lower legs. There was no way to make them move. They could only jiggle from rapid expansion or tremors sent through Ruby’s body whenever she burped or farted.

Her breasts still weren’t the most prominent part of her, but they still gained a massive size. They rested flat atop her belly, which helped boost them higher into the sky, but not so high that Ruby couldn’t see past them. They merely rested atop her belly and gently followed its sloped shape. Their most important purpose was to serve as a place for Blake to rest. The faunus had started on her belly, but she took refuse between Ruby’s breasts once her stomach started knocking walls down.

That reminded Ruby to take stock of the rest of her team. Yang was still behind her head, lying prone across her back fat's upper rolls. Weiss had roosted on her shoulder after tumbling down her rapidly ascending butt.

“Uuuu…BWOOOOUUUUURRRRRPPPPP…Shwib ober?” Ruby only understood her words because she thought of them before speaking. She meant to ask if it was over, but her face was too fat to properly articulate. She had a row of heavy chins and neck fat that weighed a few tons on their own. Her cheeks were larger than king-sized mattresses, making it incredibly difficult for Ruby to open her mouth. It was almost too much to unclench her teeth. The best Ruby could do to talk was force the air out of her lungs and hope it made sense with a bit of lip flapping.

Ruby couldn’t properly see it herself due to how massive she was. Though truthfully, no one could properly see it. One would need to be in Vale city or in a ship flying overhead to take all of Ruby’s mass in. Ruby and her teammate could just look at how her fat rose or sloped as it expanded in all directions. What they failed to see was that Ruby’s body covered every inch of Beacon. The entire plateau that held her was now dedicated to holding her body up.

Some fat rolled over the edges in a few places, though.

Yang did her best to hug Ruby’s neck, but she could only wrap up a small portion of fat in her arms. She also wasn’t sure it was Ruby’s neck. “For now, I guess! Hmm, but what if this is just the beginning?”

Blake slowly climbed into view before she stretched out on the rows of Ruby’s chins. “I agree. This is too small for Ruby. It’d be a shame to stop here…” She yawned and closed her eyes. They shot open, and she had to hold on once Ruby’s most recent belch wobbled her chins.

‘Blake is acting way more cat-like…and Yang is a bit more affectionate than usual.’ Ruby thought as her head felt fuzzy. ‘Or this could be normal.’

Weiss leaned against one of Ruby’s cheeks. “She can rest until morning. An airship should be here by then. I’ve informed them to stock as much cookie dough as possible and attach a tube. I don’t intend to stop feeding Ruby until her stomach reaches Vale.”

“Better her stomach than her butt! I’m pretty sure Ruby’s gas could knock a building down!” Yang laughed.

“Weibb?” Ruby slurred before a loud PPPPFFFFFBBBBBBRRRRRTTTTTT sounded. Weiss was going to let her get that fat? ‘This is awesome…too awesome.’ Ruby thought as her head felt fuzzier. First, she thought the rapid climb in elevation or her gas had made her light-headed. That was until she blinked, and her vision became blurry. By the time it cleared, she was looking at the bottom of Weiss’s bed.

A dream, it had all been a dream.

But that didn’t make Ruby upset. Ok, it was a little frustrating that she wasn’t a titanic gassy blob, BUT she was inspired. Ruby slowly got out of bed and felt her belly hang over her thighs. She clenched a puffy fist and thrust it into the air. The motion caused her chest to bounce slightly while a loud toot slipped out of her.

“I’m gonna get huge!” Ruby cheered before a pillow thumped the back of her head.

“BE QUIET!” Weiss screamed.

