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Slight schedule mix up. Have a short today and you should get another short and a full story on Thursday


Series: RWBY

Characters: Sienna Kahn, Reader

Contains: Mutual weight gain, reader POV, POV weight gain


It hadn’t been easy for Sienna to get away. It was a plan she had worked on for months. Careful planning and secrecy culminated in the night she abandoned the White Fang and slipped away. You had played your part too, but it was limited to waiting with the getaway vehicle. Still, the two of you were together now, and you were certain things would be peaceful from now on.

All of this had to happen for one simple reason. You were human. The White Fang would have imploded if they knew their leader had fallen in love with a human. It was ALMOST enough to make you chuckle. Instead, you just squeezed Sienna’s hand as you drove away…


Tigers were meant to stalk silently. That wasn’t the case for Sienna as the floor groaned with each of her steps. Her huffing and wheezing weren’t too quiet either. You couldn’t fault her as this had been increasingly common over the past three years.

One of Sienna’s dreams was to be a baker. She had told you as such long ago. It was one thing you had planned for while she focused on the more complex details of her escape. A few months of laying low perfectly synched with the bakery’s grand opening. Sienna quickly dazzled the townsfolk with her skills, and you found yourself with regular customers and a steady income.

Running the bakery just happened to come with a few quirks. One was Sienna constantly taste-testing and working to improve recipes. That meant it was natural for her to swell like all of the dough she kneaded.

You found her adorable. She had always been gorgeous, with striking looks and a powerful aura. She was still beautiful, but her demeanor had changed. She could afford to relax, she smiled more, and she was so warm and squishy to the touch.

Sienna was widest at her hips. They were at least four feet wide, and they had a pleasant curve to them. The soft flab was stuffed into stretch black pants, which were lightly dusted with flour on the sides. She often clapped her hands there to clear flour from her palms, which would make her lower body wobble. Paired with her hips was a doughy butt with lumpy cheeks. Her butt used to be tight and toned, but it assumed a saddlebag shape as she put on weight. The looser texture made them wobble much more to the point watching the seat of her pants was similar to staring at the waves of the ocean.

Her belly was partially covered by her shirt with a thick layer left exposed and the lowest portions stuffed into the front of her pants. Her white apron covered the middle of her stomach, but the entirety of her love handles remained exposed. Sienna’s skin was darkly tanned and had stretched well despite how quickly she gained weight. You were momentarily distracted as you watched her belly wobble.

You wanted to approach, but you had fun watching her. Your eyes trailed down to her thighs. Both rubbed against each other. They were wavy and saggy like the rest of her, but you wouldn’t want things any other way. The widest part of Sienna’s thighs were as big around as tires, but their soft texture was otherworldly. Their curve gently tucked in the lowest portion, which sagged past her knees. The curve of her lower leg started just beneath her knees. Her shins were encased in a thick layer of meat, while her claves were as gelatinous as pudding stuffed into a plastic bag. Despite how heavy she was and how thick her legs were, Sienna could be on her feet baking all day. It certainly impressed and captivated you.

“Where was that…” Sienna murmured and rubbed her extra chin. As she thought harder, she scratched a puffy cheek and looked around. The tiger ears atop her head twitched and changed direction as if she could hear whatever she was looking for.

Sienna pressed her gut against the kitchen counter as she reached up toward the cabinets. She searched around while you continued to watch her. Your eyes trailed over her rolls of back fat, and you almost chuckled at how they jiggled whenever Sienna tried to reach higher. They didn’t jiggle as much as her arms, which housed hefty masses of sagging fat. They waggled about as slightly thickened fingers searched and searched. Eventually, Sienna sighed and backed away from the counter.

“Muffintop?” Sienna called. “Do you know where the stand mixer is? Our personal one, I don’t feel like going down to the shop to get that one.” She turned and started to waddle toward you. She didn’t stop until her stomach squished against yours.

Muffintop was the loving nickname she had given you. It certainly fit, as Sienna wasn’t the only hefty one in the relationship. Just as she had gotten plump and doughy from her new life as a baker, so had you. Aside from her discerning tongue, you were the only other taste tester she would trust. That resulted in you getting plenty of treats. Your body softened around the middle first before your hips billowed outward, and you ended up with a butt almost as fat as Sienna’s. Your chest was soft and malleable, which Sienna enjoyed immensely, and your arms were coated with fat. Sienna was heavier, but you weren’t far behind.

“I was hoping to work on a new recipe tonight, but I also want to stay cozy. Help me find it, and you can stay on the couch while I bake.” Sienna wrapped her arms around your waist, resting them atop the shelf of your butt. This got her close enough that your chests could squish together. “Then, I’ll feed you the new recipe. We’ll keep trying it until the recipe is just right~” Sienna giggled as you blushed and looked away.

You couldn’t help but wonder if Sienna wanted you to catch up with her…




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