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Series: RWBY

Characters: Weiss, Blake

Contains: Weight gain

Reward for TheMaximumCaliber


Blake moaned as another brownie was stuffed into her mouth. Everything had just been too easy. Her trip to the pumpkin patch with Weiss had been better than she expected. It ended when she smacked Weiss’s butt, which resulted in her belly being squeezed. When Blake tried to step back, her fat butt smashed a pumpkin. Sure, throwing a handful of pumpkin innards at Weiss was an escalation, but it was funny.

Now they were back in their dorm, and Weiss had been stuffing her face with various pastries for the past hour. Everything was perfect, pretty much. She was inside, it was warm, her clothes were comfy, the couch felt great under her doughy butt, and Weiss was hand-feeding her while groping and smacking her gut. Weiss thought this was punishment or something, but Blake was a willing participant. She just wouldn’t say anything lest she make Weiss stop.

Blake’s sweater had rolled up to expose her belly, allowing Weiss to dig her finger into the stuffed girl’s belly button. That gave her an excellent grip for when she shook the heavy mass. Something about having her stomach so roughly shaken made Blake excited. She almost moaned again but managed to keep the noise down.

“I hope you’re learning your lesson. That sweater was one of my favorites, but now I doubt I’ll ever get the stain out.” Weiss huffed as she stuffed an apple fritter into Blake’s mouth. Weiss had since changed into a new sweater, one that seemed a little fluffier than the other. It was either that or Weiss had snuck a few pastries for herself. It didn’t matter much, as Blake was now much larger than Weiss.

Seated on a three-person couch, Blake’s hips almost took up all of the space. Fat from her butt and hips rolled over the stretched waistband of her pants and seemed ready to tear them apart. The fat was supple and bouncy, wobbling excessively whenever Weiss smacked it. Blake was excited for extra cushioning to her rump as it meant her ass was even better for lounging around. If she got “too big, " she could use that as an excuse to stay inside all winter. Her thighs were also getting much thicker, which meant the best she could do was a slow waddle—a waddle significantly slower than the rest of her team. So, any outings with her would be at a snail's pace. No, unfortunately, Blake now had a body suited only for idle lounging or very short walks. Anyone would struggle to get her to do more.

‘She’s enjoying this.’ Weiss thought and mentally sighed. She couldn’t stop, though. Part of her enjoyed it, which she would never admit, and another part was certain that Blake would be stuffed soon and beg her to stop. Yet there was the chance she would run out of food before then. Weiss shook her head and focused on stuffing Blake’s face. She especially tried not to think of how cute and round Blake’s cheeks were. Then there were her puffy, flabby arms and belly that overflowed her lap. Weiss was conflicted looking at Blake’s breasts, feeling like she was being taunted by something she could seemingly never have. Another shake of her head cleared the thought. “I might just let you finish these yourself.”

“Huh? Wait, why are you stopping?” Blake asked and tried to sit up. Her stomach got in the way, and she remained slumped back on the couch. “I thought you said something about stuffing me until I couldn’t…nggff…move.” Blake continued to try to get up but fell back again. Just two attempts were enough to tire her to the point of wheezing.

“…You look like you’re having plenty of trouble moving as is,” Weiss said, her arms crossed and expression displeased. “Like I said, you can finish them yourself.” She turned and prepared to waddle away, only for a heavy weight to slam into her back. Weiss landed on her belly as the weight on her back seemed to spread out. She looked back and saw Blake’s black hair. The heiress broke out into an intense blush as Blake laid on her back, thighs straddling her waist while a thick belly and plump breasts squished against her back. “W-what are you doing!”

Blake was too out of breath to speak at first. Launching herself at Weiss took physical strength, aura, and a shadow clone. She didn’t know exactly what to do now, but she surely wouldn’t be moving.

Weiss couldn’t stop blushing or slow her heartbeat. Blake, a larger fatty, was lying on top of her. She could feel the bigger girl’s blubber fold around her sides.

It was too hot.

“I won’t let you just get away. You said you’d feed me until I couldn’t move, so get back to it.” Blake said once she had fully regained her breath and made up her mind.

Weiss was dumbstruck. “You can’t force me to force-feed you!” She shot back, only for Blake to press her breasts against the back of her head. “Get off, you cow!”

“Not until you promise!” Blake shot back.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the dorm’s door, Ruby and Yang waited patiently for whatever issue was going on to resolve itself…



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