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You tugged at the ropes that bound your wrists and ankles to your bedposts. It was the same as the last dozen times you had tried. They were far too tight for you to break free. 

As if in response to your struggles, you heard footsteps approach...though you possibly FELT them well before the thuds were audible. The door to your room opened before a large figure squeezed through the gap. A woman with long black hair progressively came into view. Her body wobbled with each step she took, jiggles carrying through her like waves. She wore a pair of dark red sweatpants and a black shirt with broken heart and the words "Bad Mom," on it. It was none other than Raven Branwen

You smiled in the hopes this was all some weird joke, but you had been tied to your bed for a few too many hours for it to be that. The obese woman continued to waddle until she stood over you. Her obese body cast a shadow over you as she glared down at you past her breasts. Her more than modest girth left her with breasts almost as large as beach balls. From beyond them you saw a fat face with squishy cheeks and a sizable extra chin. Your smile completely vanished when she decided to smile back. The angle of her brow showed that her smile wasn't a friendly "haha this was a joke," one that you wanted.

Your eyes moved to the giant, sagging gut that dangled over her. It was a thick double belly with a mostly-round first roll and a low-hanging second roll. Portions of each roll were exposed as Raven's shirt didn't cover all of one while only a portion of the other was stuffed into the front of her sweatpants. Her love handles and the tops of her hips were exposed as well.

Suddenly, Raven patted your chest with one hand. She didn't smack you roughly, but each impact of her hand released a solid THUMP noise. Raven's hands were soft, her wrists thick, her forearms puffy, and her upper arms doughy. They were limbs very fitting of her stature. "Comfy? Good because you won't be going anywhere for...a while." She slowly kneeled down and leaned against the side of your bed. Her chest flowed over yours. It was incredibly soft, heavy, and warm, but you couldn't quite enjoy that. You looked away only for Raven to roughly grab your face and made you look at her.

"Really? I go through all this trouble for you, and this is how you repay me?" Raven asked. You had no idea what she was talking about. "I bet if Summer did this to you, then you would be SOOO happy, huh?" She rolled her eyes. "Maybe if it was Yang or Ruby? Yet when I do it, nothing. Is it because they're thin? Am I too fat for you?."

You noticed Raven's eyes looked strange. They were somewhat bloodshot as if she hadn't slept in a while. You opened your mouth to speak only for her to cover your mouth with her hand. 

"Save it. The others are going to be gone for a week. Until they get back, you're gonna stay RIGHT THERE." Raven grinned as she started to get up. It was a slow process which obviously took a lot of effort. Her chest then belly dragged across you as she slowly got up. "Huff...fortunately, I know just the way for us to bond." She turned away from you yet didn't waddle away. You just looked up at her fat ass and wondered what she was doing. Her hips were more than four feet wide and each butt cheek was like a sofa cushion. Only sofa cushions had consistant too much of a square shape. Raven had thick, boxy cheeks. Her thighs were broad and round, just one wider than your waist.

Raven started to sit down. Her butt buried everything from your upper chest to your knees. The weight was immense and all the air in your lungs was forced out of you. Raven laughed as she ground her hips back and forth. "I think I'll just roost on your for the while week. If you're good, then we can try some other things." Raven grunted as she shifted one leg onto the bed. She turned herself which brought her butt cheeks to your chin while her belly came to rest on your lower body. She bounced herself slighly which made you and your bedsprings groan. "Yep, you aren't going anywhere~" 


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