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Series: RWBY
Characters: Weiss, Blake
Contains: Female weight gain

Reward for TheMaximumCaliber

Two plump figures waddled through the pumpkin patch. The air was chilly but not unpleasant. It was the perfect excuse for each figure to don a giant sweater. The one in the lead wore white, while the one tailing behind wore black.

Weiss took a deep breath in. The air was so fresh and not as frigid as it was back home. Fall in Atlas was a mild winter at best. In Vale, it was the fresh, natural scent of autumn. She looked around the pumpkin patch. What seemed like sporadic glances were actually detailed and calculated. “It needs to be perfect.”

Blake yawned and scratched her belly before tugging her sweater over the exposed skin. Thankfully, the material was stretchy because it didn’t technically fit her. She was out and about much earlier than she would have preferred, but she promised Weiss that she would come. “Is there such a thing as a perfect pumpkin? Seems pretty opinionated to me.” She murmured.

Weiss scoffed and spun on her heels. The motion was so fast that it caused her belly and backside to spin and wobble. Blake was distracted by the sight and only tuned in toward the end of Weiss’s rant. “-but size AND shape are to be considered. They must be perfectly in harmony! A large pumpkin with too wavy an exterior will be difficult to carve! I refuse to lose to Ruby and Yang.”


“Yes, Blake…again.” Weiss felt her eye twitch. “Now, before I was interrupted, I spotted quite the contender right here!” The heiress bent over to pick up a pumpkin that caught her fancy. As she did, the back of her sweater rolled up to reveal the small of her back. Smooth, pale skin with a puffy texture to it. Just beneath it was the top of an even puffier pair of butt cheeks.


Thanks to the open space, the sound was much louder than it should have been. Weiss shot up and turned, her face bright pink. Yet when she looked, Blake looked off in the distance and whistled nonchalantly. “B-Blake Belladonna! Did you honestly smack my butt?!”

Blake glanced at Weiss. “Sorry, I thought the great pumpkin was rising from the patch. It was just like you described them, the perfect pumpkins. So big and smooth…hmm, but a little too soft for carving.”

Weiss grasped Blake’s belly. “Is that so? Well, I’d say you must have a pumpkin hidden under your sweater. Let me see…hmm, maybe I need a closer look?” Weiss lifted Blake’s sweater over her belly and squeezed the fat firmly. “I’ve seen many white pumpkins, but in this shade? Also, you have a point. This is much too soft of a pumpkin.”

“Oh ha ha…” Blake blushed as her belly was fondled. She had playfully smacked Weiss on her butt, but this felt a little too much. Weiss’s fingers were sinking deep into her belly fat. Her palms caressed the curves of her stomach and pressed flat against them. It was the first time someone had fondled her gut, and Blake was feeling very particular about it. Whether it was good or bad, she couldn’t say. She nervously tried to step back, only for her shoe to get caught on a vine.


Blake’s butt slammed into the ground with all of her weight. A few pumpkins that happened to be under her had been smashed with ease. That was what caused the sound of her impact to be intermingled with the pumpkins being crushed. She groaned and looked up at Weiss, who chortled away. Slowly, Blake got to her feet. She peered over one plump shoulder to try and see if her leggings were stained. It was impossible to get a full look at her ass without a mirror, but she could feel the pumpkin guts stuck to her butt. It was enough to make her groan again, louder this time.

Weiss’s laughter naturally started to die down, but she still let out a few giggles between her attempts to regain her breath. The laughter stopped completely when she saw Blake scoop up a handful of pumpkin innards. “Blake Belladonna!” Her voice came out high and shrill. “Y-you had better not do what I think you’re about to do! Blake!” She practically squealed as Blake hurled the clump of orange pumpkin guts at her…



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